The responsible breeder vs. BYB or Puppymill is a war that has been going on for a long time.
Health testing and lifetime responsibility for the puppies are the lines in the sand. Responsible breeders have been trying to figure out how to stop the puppymills and BYB's for a long time. Most of the dogs that end up in rescue are from these BYB's and puppymills. They also breed without regard to improving the breed, so they perpetuate problems like fanconi, chd, etc.
Every time someone buys a puppy from a BYB or puppymill, it helps them continue.
To see someone who could be such a good home, who has experience with testing, and who has ties to the basenji community go to a BYB is very scary.
It means that even those with education can be drawn in by the BYB's and the responsible breeders are losing.
People get very passionate about this war.
Cambria is the name of the kennel of Bob Mankey and Jack Schaefer. They did a lot for the breed. Literally, they wrote the book. Bob Mankey died, and there is a lot of reverence attached to the name Cambria. To have that diluted by other poaching the name is something else people get very passionate about.
Why don't you start your puppy search by calling Ryder's breeder? The basenji community is pretty tight knit. You may have to make several calls, but that seems like a good place to start.
I hope you can see that, even though people are getting emotional, it is not a direct attack on you, and people are only trying to educate you and find out why you chose the way you did. If you can answer some questions about why you chose this pup, it can help the entire fancy figure out how to draw people to responsible breeders and away from BYB's.