The Truck Saga Continues…
Hey Belinda it could be a Barbie truck :D
"I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world…." -Aqua
You sayin' this should be my new theme song? :eek: NOT!!!:p
Actually, I got some good news today. The folks who broke my truck appear to have fixed it and without having to replace the whole hood. After a few minor other things, I should have my pretty blue baby back and better than ever. I'm so excited! :D:D:D:D
my vote…..
I am in..I like the history lesson:) and I love the pictures…
Great news Belinda, Wheres AJ is good but i never guess as i'm rubbish at geography :(
Great stuff Belinda, i'm pleased for you and AJ
Good to hear that "normal" is back..stay safe on the road.