Figula as you live in Peterborough just to let you know that it is our club show on 28th March (Sunday) We are the Basenji Owners and Breeders Association and you are very welcome to come along. If you come at about midday, you could have lunch with some Basenji people and say hallo to us and our dogs. The venue is Alconbury Village Hall. If you're interested I can send you details.
Wild pack of basenjis in rural Florida
Funds are so helpful..foster homes are badly needed as well.
I have heard of other things, not final yet, that might work for getting some dogs/puppies into other states, but again, just talk now.
More as I can post it.
So, maybe YOU can be a foster home for one of these dogs, puppies, or female b's healing from spaying. If you think you might want to be considered, please do go to the
BRAT site and fill out the forms. No one will force a dog on anyone, but we need to have places for these b's to go! -
Nice letter… the BRAT b's and BRAT's Pam Hamilton.
They were feral when captured. They were brought to the kennel after freezing, and starving in a five acre pasture. They never had been held or touched or treated with kindness. They were terrified of humans. At Animal Services, they received veterinary medical care, food, water, shelter and warmth. They are thriving. I am proud to say the basenji population has increased from 33 to 40. One of the pregnant females gave birth to 7 puppies and there are 1 or 2 more litters anticipated in the near future. Mom and puppies are doing fine.
The basenjis could not have been saved without the efforts of Pam Hamilton. Pam Hamilton has been instrumental in working with the dogs and socializing them. She has also worked with staff and volunteers and educated everyone on how to work with the basenjis.She is a dedicated asset to your organization. Thank you for all your efforts for these wonderful dogs. Jan
Janet A. McDonaldSenior Assistant County Attorney
Hillsborough County Attorney's Office
Health & Human Services Division -
Another week has flown by. Here is a summary/review of what has happened and
what we expect to happen in the near future:Feb. 11 - Custody of the Wimauma basenjis was awarded to HCAS. The 30 day
appeal period was waived by the judge. The scramble begins as we make
arrangements to move dogs in a couple of weeks versus a bit more than a
month. Terry and Jackie from out of town visited "the nursery" (our house,
which is also a hospice…) to take pictures for posting.Feb. 13 - Kenyatta, the heartworm positive, anemic, emaciated, hypoglycemic,
very sweet and cooperative, pregnant female went into labor early in the
morning. By noon, she had her last viable pup. She finally delivered the
last one, a stillborn, around 8 PM, after multiple doses of Oxytocin.
Surgical removal was not an option without serious risks because her
condition is so poor. Her body score out of 9 is just 2 (determined prior to
delivery - without pups, she, of course, appears to be even thinner, perhaps
just a 1). Tube feeding of her pups every two hours begins (the only "milk"
Kenyatta has is a tiny amount of mastitis - and her body condition certainly
cannot support nursing). Reasonable efforts are ongoing to help Kenyatta
make a recovery. She has been to our regular vet, the emergency/critical
care vet (through delivery), and HCAS (they are able to provide transfusions
and injections that would have continued to accrue significant expenses at
the ER/critical care vet's). Kenyatta and I, along with Debbi or my folks,
have spent a lot of time together in the vehicle, running from one place to
the next.Week of Feb. 15 - All basenjis currently located at HCAS are
spayed/neutered/vaccinated. They are ready to leave HCAS as soon as we have
all arrangements in place. Five of the older pups who are still at HCAS that
have been doing quite well with socialization activities will first go into
short-term foster homes. Potential applicants are invited to submit
applications through BRAT to adopt them. There are approximately 10 others
that will move to Pam's Basenji Town for a chill-out/evaluation period prior
to being moved to longer-term foster homes. The nine pups in our nursery
visited HCAS for boosters, more deworming and weighing - they are getting
chunky! It is determined that they are about 8 weeks old and big enough to
be spayed and neutered. These procedures will be done soon. They will be
ready to move on to their new adoptive homes before long.Arrangements have been made with HCAS regarding vetting of the basenjis who
are at Pam's nursery and no longer at the shelter. HCAS will
spay/neuter/vaccinate all basenjis, including those still "in the oven" (one
more mom-to-be has looked ready to pop any second for days...), so all pups
will stay in the area until they are at least 8 weeks old.This "in-house vetting" is a huge help to BRAT. Our expenses for vetting
these b-kids is already high. The stress from shelter and/or bad body
condition took a couple over the Rainbow Bridge. We were able to snatch the
rest back from the brink. We haven't even begun to consider other vetting
expenses the older basenjis will need. Amazingly, there is only one who
tests heartworm positive at this time. I have begun to check what other
needs they may have; for example, one of the older moms has
broken/tartar-covered teeth that may need some attention. Because of the
condition of the mom during pregnancy, the pups currently being
tube/bottle-fed every two hours
have a very uncertain future. They may need additional vetting. Donations
for these basenjis is greatly appreciated. A special link will be added to
our website soon.Many people and groups have offered help throughout the past month. If you
have not received a response, please accept our apologies. We have been a
little busy... Given the abbreviated time that we have to get the basenjis
out of HCAS, we are asking your help to reorganize more quickly. If you
would like to help in some way, could you please send an email again,
complying with the following:Please label the subject line with one of the following:
a. FOSTER -<your name=""><your location="">
b. TRANSPORT -<your name=""><your location="">
c. ADOPT -<your name=""><your location="">
d. OTHER -<your name=""><your location="">If you are able to help in multiple ways, please send multiple emails.
If you are able to help with fostering or transporting , we ask that you
become a BRAT member. Please note on the "Join BRAT" form you are joining
to help with the Wimauma basenjis. If you wish, you can ask to drop your
membership later. There is no membership fee to join BRAT. .If you are interested in adopting one of the Wimauma basenjis, please submit
an adoption application through BRAT's website. .
Please note on your adoption application you are interested in the Wimauma
basenjis.These basenjis are different from our "normal" rescue basenjis and are
different from the puppy mill basenjis BRAT volunteers have met in the past.
I have been saying this for a month to Debbi (though, to be completely
honest, I've made my statements based on what I've heard about puppy mill
basenjis - I've never had basenji that was an abused puppy mill breeder b).
She has now had the opportunity to meet the basenjis down here - and agrees!
(She confessed that she was dissin' my thoughts…). These basenjis
generally need more exercise and are bigger, stronger, more energetic, more
sensitive to body language, and more capable of "taking care of themselves"
than most basenjis. It is neat to have the opportunity to see what their
behavior is like having come from a natural, wild pack. One of the greatest
benefits is that the adults seem to be almost house-broken from the first
moment in
a house, possibly because soiling the area near the den would attract
predators. Though there may be exceptions, their desire to escape should be
expected to be very high. They do like the creature comforts of a home,
though, so they should accept being in a home if great care is taken to make
sure that the introduction is nothing but pleasant.We have had basenjis from this line in the past, some as pups, some as
adults. We have a fair amount of experience regarding what works for these
basenjis and what doesn't work for them. Adults that have come into rescue
have often been relinquished from individual owners because of behavioral
problems. We have been able to rehabilitate them and provide their adoptive
families with handling techniques to prevent the behaviors from resurfacing.
Please realize that it is necessary
to follow the advice and procedures that are recommended regarding these
basenjis. These are really basenjis of a different color.Thank you again for your support!
Pam Hamilton
FL District Coordinator
Advisory Director
Basenji Rescue and Transportand
Debbi Johnson
BRAT Treasurer & Director
Germantown, TN</your></your></your></your></your></your></your></your> -
I saw some photos of the puppies on FaceBook. They're really cute and the chocolate and liver colorations are interesting. I hope they find good homes. At least the really young puppies never had to live in such poor conditions, or at least for very long.
Thank you for the update, it's good to hear.
Three of us had the 5 pups (who are aprox. 5 months old) all together playing in a dog run for over 2 hours today. They are so different in that environment, in the shelter with all the barking and all isolated, they are frightened and shy. Playing together, they run, chase balls, wrestle, steal hot dogs, are just happy, wild, free basenjis pups. They came up to us, took treats from our hands, did not avoid us and even interacted with us. They still have to be caught and try and avoid us then, but are not "freaked" by it so much any more.
They are very sensitive to body language, they watch and know which one we are after! They will be a handful for the lucky people who get them, but they are very smart, fun-loving and friendly, once they get over their fears. They really are "wild animals" who have had no human-type rules imposed on them, but I think they will learn to love 'creature comforts' really fast.
So if you are ready for a fun foster, or adoption, step up and fill out that BRAT application! These 5 are going to be rewarding to work with,and it will be a very unique experience. The younger puppies have been handled and humanized since capture, when they were only 2 or 3 weeks old. The older dogs will be more of a challenge I imagine, but these 5 youngsters are going to be FUN !
Can you post some photos for us?
We got the first photos today, we were not permitted till after the hearing. My ability to post photos has been very limited, I don't think I can just "e-mail" a photo from i-photo, will have to get DH to tweak some and file them so I can do it that way. I am limited by my ignorance of technology.
Hopefully this will work, it is all 5 pups playing with an empty zipper-lock bag.
I am not good at figuring out this tech stuff!
Oh, this came through GREAT…more photos please...
They look so happy!
Let us know what we can do to help you and these dogs.
Most of us on this list really do want to keep up on their rehomings. -
They look so cute and happy too..yes, more pictures please..
Those puppies are seriously adorable! Here's hoping they can find homes soon.
Lovely pic of happy Pups
Check out these photos on facebook of the fl b's. -
Those are great! They must be the pups that were only a couple of weeks old when they were caught. Lucky little pups, they have been handled and petted ever since.
Anne sent this first hand account.
We have been working with the 5 month old pups at the shelter every
Saturday. We had them in a dog run for over 2 hours last Saturday and
they played like normal little basenji pups, full of fun and joy and
obviously happy. However…...they are still quite fearful of humans
and have strong prey drives. One saw a cardinal and her interest was
more than casual, it was DINNER ! They still don't walk on leashes
and will dig at a fence in a heartbeat. When it's time to round
them up, they freeze and the frightened look returns to their faces.
Then we sit by them and gently pick them up and pet and croon till
they stop shaking. And this is after many hours with them, and being
with them at play, them getting comfortable that they actually came up
to us, taking treats, sniffing feet, then ignoring us and playing near
us, not staying at whatever end of the run we weren't. These are VERY
smart pups, they know when we are starting to round them up, they are
watching us all the time and really read body language well.I think they will be great pets, but a couple of them will be a real
handful! The dominant female went right up to the one old chair out
there and ripped a bit of vinyl and went after the foam rubber. Even
feral basenjis love to destroy furniture, evidently! She is quite a
beauty, too, and a Queen Bee even at this young age.The youngest group of pups has basically been raised by Pam, these 5
kids are older but are fairly trusting already. People mean good
things, hot dog bits and pets, and I think these won't be hard to
"civilize", but they are a whole different mindset than even an un-
socialized dog. Humans are aliens from space to these guys, bus so
far they think we are fairly benign aliens. There is one that is a
rich mahogany color with light gold, almost green, eyes, she is
stunning! They are so normal in one sense, and so totally NOT
"normal" in other ways.They need to go to foster homes within the next week or so, so jump
right in, and see what a real basenji "in the wild" is like!Anne
Post from Debbi
Greetings from Florida!We are in the midst of making plans to spring the seized Wimauma basenjis
from the Hillsborrough County Amimal Services shelter. Thanks to all for
your wonderful offers of help! We will be in touch with you soon.Kenyatta, the mother of our bottle-fed litter, has spent the weekend with
the vet, is showing improvement, but is still in a very guarded condition.
Her pups are gaining weight, and most are beginning to suckle a bottle,
progressing from being mostly tube-fed. Keondra, our last mom-to-be, looks
ready to whelp any day now. She is even following nicely on leash and seems
to be enjoying her last days without pups. Initially very distrustful of
humans, Koca is begining to warm up to Pam. Her two week old pups are
becoming rolly polly. Attached is a photo of one of our young puppies.There are now over 50 basenjis in the pack. Transitioning these dogs from
their beginnings in a five acre field with little human contact to becoming
healthy, well adjusted pets with loving families is our goal. We have been
receiving notes asking about donations. Our webmaster has set up a link so
that donations may be made by PayPal, credit card through PayPal or by
check. We are determined by the Internal Revenue Service to be tax exempt
pursuant to IRS Code Section 501(3). Donations are tax-deductible to the
extent provided by law. We would appreciate any contributions made to help
these basenjis find their way into forever homes.
Thanks for all your thoughts and concerns for these basenjis.
Debbi Johnson
BRAT Treasurer & Director
Germantown, TN
Pam Hamilton
FL District Coordinator
Advisory Director
Basenji Rescue and Transport -
I can't even make myself look at the links.
I will just pray that some people in the area help out those little angels.
Oh, you should look..she how great these dogs will be once they learn humans are good.
Watch a dog find love with the new families is a wonderful thing to see.
they are not starved they are just not loved…. -
Subject: BRAT-CHAT: adopting a feral Basenji
Because of our experience with our Sana, I've been asked by a
few people to try and describe what it has been like to adopt a "feral"
Basenji. As many of you know, Sana was taken from the same man in
Florida who just lost custody of all his dogs. In the winter of 05/06,
Sana and one of her pups were turned over to BRAT. We think that she was
four at that time, and that the surviving pup was from her third litter.
Keiki, the pup, came to NH, and Sana was fostered by Dana Cole until we
adopted her in May of 2006. It was the start of one of the greatest
adventures of my life. I can honestly say that there were times that I
agonized over whether or not we were doing right by her, but I don't
think there were more than a very few minutes that I felt even a shred
of regret that we had added her to our family. I just never dreamed how
much work would be involved, or how long it would take to see her
Adopting a new dog is always a challenge, especially with dogs
as unique as our Basenjis. Adopting an extremely fearful dog was a
different challenge from every dog I've ever met. Dana Cole was
wonderfully, almost brutally honest about Sana's behaviour, and stressed
that progress with her would proceed in the tiniest of baby-steps. I was
confident about two things. The first was that Bill and I could offer
this wild little creature a safe, fairly quiet and routine home, and the
second was that we were committed to helping her discover that life
really was good. Our goal for her was that she become happy - simply
that - and that she be able to relax and enjoy life. Anything else would
be a bonus - we already had a dog who loved us, and Sana's life now
would be all about Sana. God knows she had already paid her dues, and
she deserved peace.NOTE: because we were dealing with one feral dog in our own
home, we had the luxury of allowing her to set her own schedule and
develop at her own pace with as little pressure from us as possible. And
it IS a luxury - one that most foster homes may not be able to offer.
There are different methods that can be used, especially for dogs in
transition between their rescue and their forever homes that include a
shortened timetable and more intensive conditioning. In no way do I mean
to imply that there are not multiple roads to success. Everything else I
say is nothing more than generalities about ADULT feral dogs learned
directly from Sana and from all of the research I still do on the topic.
I am not an expert, except in terms of our one special dog. Each and
every dog will come with its own issues and own schedule of development!Generalities:
A feral dog is hyper-sensitive to everything. Every tiny
movement, every change in tone of voice, every sound from another room,
EVERYTHING is a potential danger. With time, this eases, but I doubt
that it will ever go away because it is exactly what was needed for
sheer survival. It doesn't take long at all to learn that humans produce
food and supply warm, comfy beds. It does take a very long time for an
adult dog to learn broader concepts - that human touch is not only
non-harmful but can actually bring pleasure, that "home" is a real place
that will remain constant, that gentleness exists and will not go away
and (most importantly) that the good things will happen every day.
By "it will take time", I do not mean that after the customary
6-8 weeks of adjustment time, a feral/un-socialized dog necessarily will
be comfortable in their new home. The tiniest of baby steps are things
to be celebrated - eye contact, choosing to approach even when there's
no food, learning any basic obedience are huge signs of progress that
MIGHT very well take months - or even years - not days or weeks. Feral
animals truly are the closest things to visitors from another planet
that most of us will meet. Again, they lived in a totally different
world where every action and sound had to be instantly noted and
analyzed, because danger could return at any moment. After about a year
with us, we carefully began to refer to Sana as "extra-vigilant" rather
than "extremely fearful" not only because it was a more positive
description but because we were finally realizing that this was
something that would remain part of her character forever. This
characteristic also requires extra care in terms of protection. A feral
dog will react INSTANTLY to a perceived threat - usually by bolting. It
might be extremely difficult to retrieve a frightened, loose dog because
every one of their instincts will be telling them to run and hide, and
it's quite possible that no stranger without a net would be able to
catch them. We are fortunate that Sana, from the first day we had her,
is highly motivated to stay safely in the comforts of our home, and to
do her best to return there as soon as possible whenever stressed. It is
actually more likely that feral dogs will incline to get AWAY from
whatever frightened them, and to run, dig or climb if necessary. Bolting
out a door or ripping a leash out of a hand may be a constant threat, so
owners will need to be as "extra-vigilant" as their dogs to keep them
safe - always and forever.
Becoming adjusted to a human household will come in time, with
gentle routine being one of the best tools. Love, however, is an art
best learned when young, and it is not a natural concept for a feral
animal. Food can be a major motivation in learning the extra perks of
living with people - Sana's first true breakthrough came by way of
"pizza bones" - and here again time will be involved. These dogs CAN and
WILL learn to love, but they're starting very late in terms of
development, and it can feel like forever. After three and a half years,
Sana will now (almost always) come to me when she feels threatened, or
her leash is tangled around her legs, or she's hurt, etc. She always
sleeps pressed against me, fully expects to share any meal I eat, and in
the last few weeks has finally begun to come to me to ask for petting.
I know that she loves me, as well as relies on me and trusts me, and it
fills my heart in ways I can't even begin to describe.
Time - it all comes down to time and patience, and the desire to
do it both FOR and WITH the dog. These dogs will be a challenge to even
the most experienced of Basenji-folk, and many households will not be a
good match for them. We all want to help in this extraordinary rescue
situation, but unusual care will need to be taken in matching these
survivors with their forever homes. I can't wait to see how they'll all
be in five years or so!
I would be happy to discuss the details of our experience with
anyone who might be interested. I can be reached at:
or or 781-643-5497.Laura Whitney
Arlington, MAP.S. Other than our usual Basenji resources, there are two sources of
help I would recommend VERY highly:- There is a Yahoo-group called "Shy-K9s" that got me through
my most discouraged moments. It is a wonderful group, even if you only
read the archives. Only positive methods are discussed, the support is
tremendous, and reading about professionals who are willing to spend
YEARS helping dogs that they still cannot touch is humbling beyond
words. These people GET IT, and I cannot recommend them highly enough. - Many people are not comfortable with the concept of using an
animal-communicator (I wasn't, at first) but I found that working with a
communicator could give us a huge boost. It was very beneficial in
interpreting Sana's reactions to situations and helping her to know what
changes and events (like travel) might be coming. I have worked with two
(whose names I would happily pass on to anyone interested!), and both
have been able to track physical and emotional changes at which I could
only guess. One was amazingly helpful when Sana once got lost. Anyone
interested should definitely get recommendations from someone they
trust, because there are frauds out there, but there also are people
with astonishing gifts that can be of tremendous assistance. Again, I'd
be happy to recommend the two with whom we've worked to anyone
Laura Whitney
Arlington, MA
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - There is a Yahoo-group called "Shy-K9s" that got me through