Took my car to the dealer today for an inspection. They put it on a lift and checked all the undercarriage and tires and found NO DAMAGE! Yea! Sure made me happy. Who knew a Prius could run over 2 big aluminum ladders at over 50 mph without any damage? Good thing Don was driving and not me, I probably would have swerved and turned us over, and hit other cars for sure. Whew, a lucky day for us.
Vet Home Reference Book Recommendations
I'm looking to get a new home veterinary medicine reference book or two. I have one from about 12 years ago. If anyone has any recommendations on ones that they like, I'd appreciate it.
Clay -
I like Dr. Pitcairn's. My mom has stolen my copy, so I can't remember the title offhand.
A bit old topic, but since there was no answer. I found these:
I got a free copy of the Merck Veterinary Handbook at the Eukanuba on Friday. I haven't had a chance to really go through it but it looks like a nice reference.