Wow, last night was one of the worst I experiences I have had for a long time..
Gizmo apparently had an allergic reaction to something.
It all started with me noticing his left eye was irritated and swollen. This was around 7PM about 1 hour after our walk. At 8PM it had gone down, but I still decide to call the vet in the morning.
Later that night at around 9:30PM I sat down to watch a movie. Turned off all the lights. I took Gizmo up on my lap, since he loves to sleep on me while I watch. Just a few minutes in he starts acting all jumpy. Can't sit still, sniffs around the place and "plays" at random things in the air (so it seemed). This went on for 20 minutes.
Well I couldn't watch the movie with this racket, and just thought he was being a punk since he had been sleeping all day long and this resulted in him being wide awake this late. So I put him in his crate, and went back to the movie. He did the usual separation crying, but I ignored it expecting him to stop shortly.
1hour into the movie we was still crying but in a more whimpering pain manner. So I stopped, and went over to see what the deal was.
I then noticed a part of his nose-bridge was swollen up. So I let him out.
The poor guy was in some serious discomfort and pain. He cried and ran around as if he had mad cows disease, running into the walls, falling down on the floor, wanting to scratch but run at the same time.
I felt so helpless. I called the emergency vet number, and she suggested give him 1/4th of a painkiller (this was early on before we thought of allergic reaction).
But after 2 hours with no effect from the painkiller, I noticed his face was really badly puffed up, and his lips where very much so too. And to top it off he had rash bumps throughout his body. So now I understood why he was running into the walls and rubbing against anything he could find. He was itching like mad!
I called again, and thankfully I am allergic and had allergy tablets, so she suggested to give him half of one.
The half did calm him down a bit, but 1 hour later he was just as "mad", so I ended up having to give him the rest! Wow…a full tablet for that little body!
Anyways, he eventually fell, half drugged, asleep around 5:20AM. The poor guy had been awake since 5PM, and in discomfort from what I can guess since 10PM.
This morning I was happy to see he was still sleeping, and his swelling had gone down. There was just a very small amount left in his nose, but his body rashes where at least all gone as was his discomfort, so it was clear it's dieing out.
I still called the vet the instant they opened, and they informed me there was little to do since it is nearly gone, but I should keep an eye on him in case it flames up again.
Phew, what a night. Gizmo is really pooped out (as am I!) and sleeping. He gave out some serious "let me sleep" moans when I went to feel his lips and nose to see how much swelling was left. But he didn't seem to care much, even did a stretch! So thankfully it seems the pain is gone.
I wish I knew what triggered it.
Poor guy, and this on top of his other problem!