Great day with coursing
I would like to share some ( sorry, a lot of:Dˇ) pictures from our great Sunday on coursing training. Enjoy!
Mody and Simba in their travel home:)
wating for course
it was cold in the morning
Mody and Gobi on the start
Mody leads
Simba is bored while Mody is running
after sun appeared Mody was sunbathing and posing
the cutest face
play after coursing
Simba over horse parcur…
Mody herself
Awesome pictures Petra.
I really like to look at pictures of dogs running…you can see every muscle working..they way it was intended.
Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed them. -
Thank you, I have to admit i was my good friend who took this pics, you can see them more at
Looks like they all had a blast - especially Mody.
Mody is such a cutie (love the ridgebacks too!)…how old is she now?
Mody is 10 months old now, thanks fpr complimenst about pics;)
Great pics, thanks for sharing. Mody and Simba are both lovely looking Dogs.