Paw Trick
Hi There,
I have had a horrendous last 24 hours. I have lost two of my precious pugs, i am heartbroken :( I was going to do a post to tell you guys but i cant even face thinking about it yet, nevermind talking about it… im sure you understand.
Anyway, Maya has been so concerned for her mum, she can tell im upset. She's been really clingy. I thought i would share, for those who havent seen it in person, Maya's paw trick. She's been doing it constantly cos she knows it makes me smile...
Sitting pretty first:
And… PAW:
Two paws upside down - she's so talented!
And having a cuddle:
And here's a video too. She gets bored halfway through and turns her back on me - little diva!
Jess, I am so sorry to hear about your little pups..poor babies.
Good for Maya to learn high 5 and high 10..:D
Way to go. -
My condolences, I am truly so very sorry for your loss.. -
I'm so sorry. It's amazing how dogs can sense our feelings and needs. Her paw trick is very cool.
Oh Jess, I'm so sorry, how awful.
Hope to still see you at the weekend.Tim, one of my scruffies will 'gimme 5' (he'll do anything for food). I've tried to teach Elsa to do it as she's always pawing me, but she doesn't like to lower herself to do tricks and will have none of it!
Basenjis are so intuitive.
Victoria. x
Im so sorry to hear about your losses Jess - we are thinking about you.
Poor puglies. I hope they find their way home soon. Surely they're holed up in someone's house.
And Maya is so cute with her tricks. Basenjis do love to use their front paws, don't they?
Hi Jess,
i am so sorry to hear about Gracie and Jovi, please accept my condolences. It is a terrible thing and i'm glad you have Maya and all your other pets to help you through it :(