Liyah's Pic from Potomac Hound Specialty
wrote on 20 Jul 2009, 20:06 last edited by
I finally got around to scanning Liyah's pic from her Sweepstakes placement at Potomac (her/my first show). She was 6mo/2wks at the time of the pic - still such a little peanut :D. That isn't me in the pic :D - I was off doing something (what, IDK) at the time of the pic and so one of her breeders, Sheila, stepped in for it.
wrote on 20 Jul 2009, 20:24 last edited by
She is beautiful! Congrats again!
wrote on 20 Jul 2009, 21:13 last edited by
Wow, she's beautiful! Lovely pic!
wrote on 20 Jul 2009, 21:37 last edited by
Fine looking B! That's a nice photo too.
Very pretty little brindle of my favorite colors..;)
wrote on 20 Jul 2009, 23:58 last edited by
She is beautiful very nice picture.
Rita Jean
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 01:46 last edited by
She's very pretty. Congrats again. It will be cool to see her in person at Nationals. I think we'll both be in the same class.
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 04:14 last edited by
Very nice, congrats again! Looking forward to seeing her soon. :)
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 11:54 last edited by
Thanks everyone for the nice words. I think she is beautiful and adorable - but hey, I'm biased! ;):D:D We were laughing about the photo as that might be the only documented evidence that she actually stood still anytime during the whole weekend - she's a pistol alright and she definitely keeps me on my toes! :D:D:eek: She still looks about the same as she did in the photo - so she has more growing to do :D.
Regarding the National…as of last week, I may not be able to go (family health issue) :( - but Liyah will still be there with her breeders - not sure what class though. I'm going to try to do a quick fly-in/out for at least part of it.
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 13:31 last edited by
What a beautiful girl :D
I really was worth waiting for!!!!