She was diagnosed yesterday with EPI. It has been a long and tough two weeks for me and especially Riley to say the least. Her levels per her TLI test from Texas A&M University were at a 0.44 and a normal dogs are at 5-27. Thankfully we figured out what it was in time to start treatment.
I want to make sure this posts gets out so others may learn from this in case their basenji too falls ill with this condition. Unfortunately it is a lifelong condition with no cure but there is treatment. She has been placed on pancreatic enzyme supplements and metronidazole (this is to prevent her from SIBO - small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which is a secondary condition that occurs from EPI). This is to take the place of her pancrease not producing enzymes to break down the food and thus help aid in digestion. She will need this enzyme for the rest of her life during every meal.
Her symptoms were:
- Rapid weight loss and appearing to become emanciated regardless of a vigorious appetite (she started eating her own feces and even rocks, anything she could get her mouth on!).
- Diarheaa, stool gradually become greasy, volumionous and yellowish
- Lethargic, no energy to play
- Agressive towards food to point she bit me and my other basenji for a plastic toy so she was trying to eat
Anybody that wants more info on EPI can view a great site at
I also took pictures of her the other day but need to shrink them down so I can show you just how rapid her weight loss was in two weeks. She was at about 15# on 6/1 and is down to 8 or 9# now.
For now, we started the treatment 2 days ago so we are watching her closely and really hoping she pulls through this.