You had me confused and then I realized you meant the write up on the other rescue (Okapi)…
I like less white also. So I had to go look... wow, coloring reminds me of minpins. :) Cute dog though.
I agree with the others that although he seems to have Basenji in him - his head is def. not Basenji.
As for the leg I'd have it amputated if it troubles him - He'll cope with 3 legs I'm sure, but certainly consult a specialist first. Please keep us updated.
I can't really see - what is he trying to pull down in the video?
Have you edited movies on the iPhone yet. Just beware that with the current software that if you edit a movie it overwrites the existing movie you have - no way to keep a separate version. Ask me how I know :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:. Software version 3.1 is supposed to be released soon with that fixed.
Thanks for letting me know :D
Don't know exactly what's being 'defluffed'. I think it is some kind of isolation material.. They are building there..
We got Killian from a breeder in Ohio–-Jim Edgerton. That's where he had gotten our previous male basenji. We took Logan and Jasmine to his place and looked at several 1 year olds and a puppies and Jasmine eliminated the others and we agreed with her pick.