• @Janneke:

    In another thread I wrote I never trim Tillo's tail.. Well.. Yesterday I did my first trimming.. I got an email from Tillo's breeder that it was necessary 😉 Haha.. I think we (me trimming.. Tillo standing still) did ok!

    What do you think??

    His tail looks great!

    Ha, ha, ha…Liyah's breeder had the same reaction to her tail...I was like "no, not my baby...I love her tail". Her tail is now trimmed. :D:rolleyes:

  • Looks good to me Janneke:D

  • Beautiful!!! It is funny, because once you start trimming a tail, you never look back 🙂 I remember with Querk, I resisted for a long time, then said 'no, don't trim too much, I want it to still look natural'…and my mentors rolled their eyes (nicely) at me. Now I grab the trimmers, and strip them down...and I actually look a the dogs in the house whose tails have gone back to 'natural' and think, I should really do their tails 🙂

  • Our 2 have suuuch different tails. Zip's got the Avongara butt/tail thing going on so to trim it down sort of emphasizes the not-as-tightly-curled-ness and then Riley's hair is suuuuuper short, the curl much tighter and I don't think he would ever need a tail trimming. The one time we did get Zip groomed they took off some of the white on the tip of her tail. (Mind you it's been over a year and Liz still gives me a hard time about my awful choice of groomer). Poor Zip though….she's already not got much white on her tail but after that...sheesh. I felt the Mom that takes her child for an awful haircut!!

  • Perfect job…. looks great... and yes, I agree Andrea... once you start, you never look back...

  • Thanks! I love it too!! Haha..

    This morning I got a text message from BF.. It said: "His tail looks sooo beautiful.."

    Haha.. 😃 I think we're loosing it… :rolleyes:

    Good thing there are breeders telling us what to do 😉

  • Tillo's tail is gorgeous trimmed. Shaye's is just beginning to bush out a little, and it sort of separates right up the middle where the curl starts - don't have a clue what to do about that. Any ideas?

  • Houston

    I got a question…are there any guidelines as to how to trim their tail, or should it be done to looks? I noticed, after reading this thread, that Otis' tail is getting "thicker" and some day we will probably need to have his tail done. Should I take him to a groomer or should it be done by me? I have horror stories about how the groomers, all the ones I visited, really "screwed" up my Westie, so I can only imagine how they would potentially wreck Otis' good looks..LOL. Otis' tail is curled straight, in line over his spine...if that makes sense, but today I saw that it is starting to tilt to one side, like I have seen some of y'all dogs tails on here has it. Is that normal?

  • If you are not showing him, there is really no reason to trim the tail…. they are not like a Westie that needs to be groomed because the hair continues to grow.. on a Basenji it will just get so thicker (especially as they age from puppies to adults) and then stop... IMO there is never a reason to take a Basenji to a groomer unless you can't do their nails yourself. This is the most important thing, is their nails and especially if they still have dew claws (typically removed in the US except by PM's and many BYB's) In other countries they are left on.

    As far as the tail curl, they can all be different, loose curl, laying to the left or right, curl twice, curl three times, set directly over the butt instead of to one side or the other (sometimes that style is call a tea cup tail, my OJ had that).... and sometimes how the tail lays depends on how the tail is set on the butt.

  • Houston

    Tanza, Thanks for your quick response. I have been doing his claws myself, he doesn't really hate nor does he love it, so I will keep on doing it until he says otherwise..lol. As far as his dewclaws, they are removed. So I don't really have to trim it, unless I want to? I really like the way the tails look when they are skinnier vs thicker, if that makes sense. I guess I just wait and see what Otis' will look like once fully "furred". teacup tail, I like that…so sweet.

  • Exactly… only if you want to trim it..., my personal opinion is that I like the "thicker" tail...ggg

    And if you want to try trimming it just for the "heck" of it... what you are really doing is trying to follow the contour of the tail.... Use thinning scissors and just try to following the curl of the tail, trimming away the long hairs... with thinning sicissors, even if you mess up... no one will really notice...ggg

    If you are doing it for show... I use thinning scissors and curved regular scissors.. thin first, use the curved to clean up the stray hairs..

    But.. to do it, best if you either have someone hold his head while you are doing the tail... or use a grooming table that has a noose for his head.

    And kudos to you for doing his nails.. that is a total pet peeve for me... they are really easy to do and while they may not love it.. (just like you said.. not thrilled, but accept).. it is important to keep their nails trimmed. They really should be done once a month at the longest... I prefer every 2 wks, but I use a Dremel grinder, not nail clippers. Show dogs are usually done at least once a week.

  • We trim the tails here too…

    Chafuko's tail.. pfff he has LONG hair!!!!

  • @tanza:

    Exactly… my personal opinion is that I like the "thicker" tail...ggg

    Same here…Liyah's tail is really thick, but because she's about to hit the ring, she has to be trimmed (unfortunately)...she still looks great, but IMHO, not as good as she does when her tail is left to its own devices. :D:D

    Needless to say, she won't have her tail trimmed when she's done showing...and none of the adults get theirs trimmed. Ruby's looks bushy like a squirrel (her tail just has one big loop) :D:D:D.

  • It looks perfect! What type of scissors did you use and how did you do it??

  • Decided to have a go myself today with puppy Rocco, I think I did an ok job. I did most of it while he was asleep!

  • @noodle:

    Decided to have a go myself today with puppy Rocco, I think I did an ok job. I did most of it while he was asleep!

    Very nice 🙂

  • Houston

    Good job..I am so going to have to do Otis'. I like the tails better when they are trimmed and sleek..and his is gettiung rather bushy..bush dog.

  • @noodle:

    It looks perfect! What type of scissors did you use and how did you do it??

    Great job! I totally forgot to answer your question about the scissors.. Sorry for that! But I used a 'normal' paper scissor.. 😃

  • we also trim the tails when we are going to a show, otherwise we dont bother, but our basenjis dont have very bushy tails like some do have.
    At first I thought how stupid it was to trim tails, and sometimes I still agree with my former opinion , depending on how and for what reason a tail is trimmed.
    I do it myself, but I really have mixed feelings about it, a basenji is an ancient original dog, please let them look the way they just do, but then dogshows dont work that way anymore unfortunately and it looks more "finished / showy" when a tail has been trimmed.

    I hate it when people trim the whiskers of their basenjis, these are important organs and not just thick hairs that you need to trim so the dogs face looks more silk 😠

  • @ibi_n_sane:

    we also trim the tails when we are going to a show, otherwise we dont bother, but our basenjis dont have very bushy tails like some do have.
    At first I thought how stupid it was to trim tails, and sometimes I still agree with my former opinion , depending on how and for what reason a tail is trimmed.
    I do it myself, but I really have mixed feelings about it, a basenji is an ancient original dog, please let them look the way they just do, but then dogshows dont work that way anymore unfortunately and it looks more "finished / showy" when a tail has been trimmed.

    I hate it when people trim the whiskers of their basenjis, these are important organs and not just thick hairs that you need to trim so the dogs face looks more silk 😠

    I trim a few whiskers when we are getting ready for a show…but otherwise, no. And also refuse to cut all the whiskers, I do think they use them.

    As far as being a ancient dog..yes...but humans are an ancient original species also..we still trim our hair, and some of us wear make up when we want to look extra nice.

    I see what you are saying though 🙂 Here in the US, an untrimmed tail in the show ring, (particularly a bushy tail) screams 'my handler is new at this'!!!!

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