Really good website
wrote on 6 May 2009, 16:16 last edited by
I just found this: on there this: is a baby (3 weeks old) basenji's first nail trim.
Also, if you don't know who Ian Dunbar is, look for his talk (about 15 minutes, and some of the BEST 15 minutes on dogs you'll ever spend) on
And if you don't know, well, give yourself some time to explore. Jane Goodall, who is always worth listening to, is on there as are many, many brilliant minds. -
wrote on 7 May 2009, 01:14 last edited by
Brad Phifer (the guy in the nail trim video) is a trainer here in Indianapolis. He is an amazing trainer, Nexa and Leo both went though his classes. Here are other videos from that litter:
wrote on 7 May 2009, 01:25 last edited by
Brad is a pretty cool kid (anyone younger them me.. is a kid..ggg)… I met him when he came out to the Nationals in 07
wrote on 7 May 2009, 04:00 last edited by
Yep, definitely a very stand up guy. Hopefully he'll be at the specialty in a few weeks. I'm curious to see how the babies turned out.