Eldorado does litter box train and they were always very successful at it when I visited..I know they line the outside of the box with newspaper too..so I would make sure to do that also so she's as familiar with the process as she can be. I would suggest if you can't get her to start using it for pooping soon to just get her a coat and start outside. The longer she goes without pooping where you want her to the harder it'll be when you need to change it. Bad habits develop fast. I wish I started Oakley outside right away versus litter training. He always would pee in it but he wouldn't poop in it. He got very used to pooping next to the box on the kitchen floor and to this day prefers going on hard surfaces. I know it's hard to imagine potty training outside in this weather but you might be better off in the long run.
I'm not against the litter box, I also have an eldorado pup; I just know the entire process would've been easier and more beneficial to is both if I braved the weather and did it in the first plAce
New puppy in Indiana
Welcome! Sorry, I don't have any advice other than 'a tired puppy is a good puppy'! I always adopt 2-3 year old adults…because of all those things you mention. I love the name Ripley, by the way.
Welcome to the forum!
I got him from Mariah Akitas and Basenjis in Indy.
Thanks for the advice! I'll post a picture of him soon! -
Welcome to our pack. Get him as many toys as you can to help keep him occupied (the big floppy stuffed animals are good ones and the interactive toys).
I got him from Mariah Akitas and Basenjis in Indy.
Thanks for the advice! I'll post a picture of him soon!Which of the Basenjis from Mariah are his sire and dam?
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the forum!!!
Maria told me that he was guaranteed against Fanconi, and it says in the papers I got from her that he wouldn't have it. Should I have him tested anyway?
Though he will not get Faconi he may carry the gene for it which means he could produce offspring with the disease.
Thanks for the info. How would I go about getting him tested?
Go to www.basenjihealth.org all the details are there on how to test. You order the cheek swab from www.offa.org (price is 60.00)
Hello & welcome from Canada. Nice to have you here. 1 thing that might work with you for housetraining is having your pup leashed to you as much as possible throughout the day. May help? I read it somewhere that this works.
Welcome taryn and Ripley. I saw Ripley's pics in another thread. Handsome boy. I love the name….makes me want to say Ripley, believe it or not, we got a Basenji!!!
Again, welcome and I hope you find this site useful. I know I did.