my b simba is the same way with his wire crate. he can also pop the sides loose and excape. He also chews the wire and has bent all the wires together, and i know that this cannot be good on his teeth. He also hate to be in it i practicly have to force him into it. and its not like he is in it alot, i am a stay at home mom. so he is rarely in his kennel, and if he is its for short periods.:)
I would recommend the DVD Crate Games to help Simba start thinking of the crate as a place he wants to be rather than a place he has to be. I used Crate Games with Nicky and thoug he will never love his crate as long as I keep up the practice with Crate Games he will go in willingly and seems more relaxed about it. If I slack off on his training though you can tell.
I would like some advice on what kind of dog cate to get for two dogs. Preferably one with a divider in it for when they don't get along.
I would not recommend using a single crate for two dogs that are unattended. If you are worried about separation anxiety then try two wire crates side by side.
I would not recommend using a single crate for two dogs that are unattended. If you are worried about separation anxiety then try two wire crates side by side.
I totally agree, two crates side by side… or you could think about an xpen instead for the two of them. A bit larger then a crate and they can get out of each others way with a bit more room...
I would not recommend using a single crate for two dogs that are unattended. If you are worried about separation anxiety then try two wire crates side by side.
+2. I would be seriously concerned if they got on each other's nerves in a confined space…crate or xpen...that it could escalate in a very bad way. It is one thing for them to be left out together in a room in a is another to be confined together...especially unsupervised.
I do have one dog that will not stay in a crate if she doesn't want to be there. She has learned how to get out of vari kennels and mid west wire crates. We can keep her in a MidWest crate if we use extra clips on the doors. She is not destructive, but she has been escaping confinement since she was a week old and couldn't even see where she was escaping to.
I would not recommend using a single crate for two dogs that are unattended. If you are worried about separation anxiety then try two wire crates side by side.
While I understand the concern and that our situation may well be atypical because Keoki had such extreme separation anxiety, Our dogs did not do well in separate crates. Rather, KEOKI did not do well in a crate separate from Jazz, even side by side and wire. Jazz is fine alone anywhere any time. But He had the most horrid crate anxiety until we got one large wire crate and put them together in it. Now he loves the crate….just don't latch it with him on one side and her on the other. He has to know he can touch her.
In the beginning they did have the occasional brief spat, but now when he crawls on her, she just mutters swear words under her breath and lets him curl up with her.
They do each have their own bed in the crate and usually sleep each in a bed, but sometimes they sleep crammed into one.