By the second day they decided that he was occassionally OK but as soon as they decided they were done he needed to leave them alone.
This sounds like you're describing our situation with Brando and his interaction with Aaliyah.
This morning, Liyah wasn't reading the signs and paying attention to his warnings to back off, and I chose to just watch how it played out. Well, Brando really told her…really growled loud right in her face, which made her jump back from him and she backed into the wall and so she started screaming (she's a little bit dramatic :D). Well, I picked her up, just to make sure she wasn't actually hurt, and sure enough, no dampness from his mouth, no injury...she was just scared. Ruby came over to check on her immediately. Once she calmed down, Brando came over to her and nudged her with his nose and he let her put her face in his (which nearly always gets a growl from him normally)...almost like say..."geez, I didn't mean to scare you THAT bad."