Tonight we took the kids to the middle school & let them loose on the athletic fields (combined football, track, baseball field). They chased each other for a while, and then we got the genius idea of hide & seek. One of us distracted the dogs while the other hid behind or on top of picnic tables, football equipment, bleachers, etc. Then we would whistle to get their attention & see how long it took them to find us. It was a lot of fun the first 3 or 4 times, but before long, they started cheating… they would split up. One would follow the distractor & the other would follow the hider. We ended up hiding while they were searching for the other person. After about 7 searches they just got too good & didn't waste any time coming straight to us. But it was fun while it lasted, and hilarious to see how quickly they learned how to cheat. Haha.