Making dehydrated treats
I make my own too. I just slice chicken breast thin, put it on a cookie cooling rack and in the oven at 150 for 4 hours (or so), turning once.
I make my own too. I just slice chicken breast thin, put it on a cookie cooling rack and in the oven at 150 for 4 hours (or so), turning once.
I make my own too. I just slice chicken breast thin, put it on a cookie cooling rack and in the oven at 150 for 4 hours (or so), turning once.
Oh NICE… thank you for that info..what a neat trick for those of us who are food dehydrator deficient. :D
Hello everyone…I'm so happy to have found this web site.
I pet sit and one of my clients foster cares a breed of dogs. She left chicken jerky strips that were "homemade" rather than trusting manufacturers. I ordered an Excaliber Food Dehydrator from Amazon that day. I can't believe the wonderful quality of the treats I'm able to make. Today, I'm making sweet potato treats for the dogs and me. I garden so the dehydrator has been great for peppers and tomatoes, too. -
What a great idea. I already have a dehydrator (I dry my apples, tomatoes, etc for myself) and it has receipes for making jerky. I'll have to try making some dog treats now.
The recipe for jerky calls for salt as a preservative, you can avoid the extra salt for the dogs by drying the meat and then refrigerating it.
I dehydrated chicken gizzards and hearts…that is their favorite.
I have a food dehydrator and i make soy sauce beef jerky. OH MY GOSH! its sooo good. Missy goes CRAZY for it! I can only give her so much tho because of the salt. but i never thought about doing that for dogs! Great idea! Ill have to start doing that!
I wash the sweet potatoes first then dry them off very well, depending on how thick you cut them will determined either how crisp or how chewy they will come out. I do not put anything on my potatoes at all. I slice mine about 1/8 of a inch thick and then dehydrate them for the dogs. I than keep them in a zip lock bad in the fridge.
The thicker you slice them the more chewy they are. It takes mine about 12 to 14 hours to get to the point where my dogs like them.
You'll have to just test times to see where you want them for your dog.
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