Perm records for hips/elbows are after 2yrs of age, so Oakley is too young. Some do Prelims but that is usually in the case of a male that is going to be used at stud before 2yrs. Keep in mind for hip and/or elbow results that unlike Fanconi testing it is Optional to post the results if they are not Excellent, Good or Fair - Owner option.. same with Thyroid. There is a place on the forms to mark if you want the results posted regardless of the outcome. Many people DO NOT CHECK this box… therefore if the dog is dysplastic, the results are not shown. So read that into the results.... and I know of Dysplastic Basenjis that are NOT in the data base.
That said, hips are not a huge concern as in other breeds, but there are problems out there....
IMO, I would have the hips done... elbows, would not worry about that too much...
Sedated? Depends on your Vet... some Vets will do without, some will not do hips without. My two girls were just done, both without, we have a mobile Vet that does testing and they go to most all the shows, makes it really easy and no sedation. I have had both ways done on my Basenjis over the years.