Isis is 'constantly' urinating :( - vet reccomendation?

  • i guess it has been happening for maybe a week and a half- but we didn't really notice.

    my husband and i just started taking isis to the dog parks, 1st at laurel canyon then one a little closer at Noho (her foot was recovering from an accident a few weeks ago- so we wanted to take her someplace closer so we can get her home if needed).

    at the dog park we noticed that she started urinating every few min. but at closer inspection it was only a few drops to nothing. at first we thought it was her being nervous (she is now walking up to dogs and interacting) but also male dogs are very interested in her- almost every single time we go.

    but last week she decided to 'go' next to our bed… and has had a few accidents since then. Going in the house is something she does NOT do- so we thought maybe it was a dominace thing- we usually have 'trick time' everyday- but for the past few weeks we just hand her the treat.

    after taking her to the dog park again this weekend- we are thinking that it is a urinary thing. she is such a good dog- going in the house is something she wouldnt do if she can help it.

    we want to take her to the vet asap and the last vet we went to on Olive, VCA, I'm iffy with. after reading some recent reviews - I do not want to take her there again.

    can anyone recommend a vet ?

  • My guess would be either urinary tract infection, or Fanconi. Either way, she needs to go to a vet ASAP.

  • omg- after reading about Fanconi, i am really worried- i hope it isn't that- but she is 6 years old.

    i thought i should be clear in where i live- I live in Burbank, CA- if anyone can rec. a vet i would be really grateful.

  • Well you can check for Fanconi, go and buy the test strips at the drug store and test her urine. Sorry, but I don't know of any Vets in So. Cal to recommend…. You could just call some and ask if they have Basenjis in the practice?

  • thank you for the test suggestion. i'll do that asap. i want to call some vets- but i thought maybe ppl in the area who own basenjis could give a good recommendation.

  • I'm not crazy about VCA either, unless needed for an emergency. I can't help you with a vet in your area but you may want to try to PM basenjibratz as they're closer to where you live. I hope it's nothing serious.

  • thanks- i'll send them a note now. ty

  • @jayfabares:

    thank you for the test suggestion. i'll do that asap. i want to call some vets- but i thought maybe ppl in the area who own basenjis could give a good recommendation.

    When you buy the strips, make sure you get the strips that test for glucose in the urine, not ketones!! They look similar, so read the pkg.

  • thank you all for the advice! i am contacting a vet in sun valley and getting strips on my way home (just in time for a walk!) i'll keep you all posted. thanks again!

  • Do let us know how it goes.
    Where did you get your basenji from?

  • sure thing. she is actually my husbands dog, and we are her 2nd owners (besides the breeder). the family who sold her only had her for 3-4 months, before they decided to move to Utah, so we have had isis since she was 6 months old.

    the breeder is located in Lakeside, ca. I unfortunately don't know the breeders name by heart- but we've contacted her over the years & learned isis's mom died at a young age- but we don't know the cause- which is why i am nervous about Fanconi.

  • No matter how today's strip test turns out, you can always submit blood to the U of Mo to have the Linked Marker DNA test run for Fanconi so that you know whether she may develop the disease at some point in her life.

  • that is something i'll def. want to check out. i'll mention it to my husband…

  • We had the same problem when Seti was a puppy. It turned out that he had crystals in his bladder due to the food we were giving him (I think it was Wellness brand but not entirely sure). We changed his diet and it went away and has never come back. Hopefully your problem is minor like ours!

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