Ear Rash???
wrote on 18 Feb 2008, 03:09 last edited by
So I noticed today that Dallas' ears are very red & dry inside. It is red towards the inner part of the ear (not at all towards the tip of the ear) & there are kind of little red bumps as well. Also the skin above the red part is flaky & dry. It looks like a rash??? :confused: The pictures are the best I could get but let me know if I should be concerned.
He hasn't reall been messing with his ears like they are bothering him so I'm not sure if it's just something small. I can take him into the vet though as early as tomorrow.
wrote on 18 Feb 2008, 03:31 last edited by
A vet's opinion is probably desired. If it were only one ear, I would guess a bug bite of some sort, but I don't know about in both ears.
wrote on 18 Feb 2008, 13:00 last edited by
Could this come from a food allergy?
wrote on 18 Feb 2008, 17:13 last edited by
I would definitely take him in and have the vet check it out. I remember my vet telling me once that food allergies often affect the "ears and rears." Keep us posted.
wrote on 18 Feb 2008, 19:52 last edited by
Food allergies ofter effect the ears… along with the bottoms of their feet and the rears...
What are you feeding him? -
wrote on 18 Feb 2008, 20:11 last edited by
Food allergies ofter effect the ears… along with the bottoms of their feet and the rears...
What are you feeding him?Well his regular food is eukanuba medium puppy blend. I'm switching him over to Merrick's although he has only had a little of it last Thursday mixed with his food (just wanted to test it). I'll probably be starting the switching process next week when the Euk I bought gets lower.
In addition I give him bully sticks, cheese, milk bones, peanut butter, banana, tuna treats, & very rarely (only like 3 times since we've had him) we've let him lick up a little bit of milk. Although when we've given him milk it's always only been a tablespoon at the most. Plus the first time I gave him milk was the first week we got him & I just noticed this rash Saturday.
wrote on 18 Feb 2008, 20:16 last edited by
I doubt it is the milk… but you never know... I would be more concerned with something like the corn and/or wheat in the Euk and the Milk Bones... I don't like Milk Bones cause they have "lots" of stuff.... Could also be the peanut butter??....
wrote on 18 Feb 2008, 20:22 last edited by
I doubt it is the milk… but you never know... I would be more concerned with something like the corn and/or wheat in the Euk and the Milk Bones... I don't like Milk Bones cause they have "lots" of stuff.... Could also be the peanut butter??....
Let me be more specific, they aren't actually milk bones. They are called Great Choice Biscuits. I don't buy milk bones either as the dogs I had growing up would get sick from them. Although I suppose it could still be the Great Choice bones anyway.
I could hold off on the peanut butter for a day or two & see if it clears up. Although I have been giving him both the peanut butter & the biscuits since the day I brought him home (a month ago). Gosh I can't think of anything he has eaten recently that he hasn't had before…
wrote on 18 Feb 2008, 20:33 last edited by
Could also be a reaction to some kind of bite… here is another thought... when did he have he last round of shots? But in the end, I think I would take a trip to the Vet... could just be a little ear infection going on... they can and do get yeast infections in the ears.. and I have found that puppies for what ever reason get dirty ears... and slight infections. Kobey had one when he was about 4/5 months old...
wrote on 18 Feb 2008, 20:39 last edited by
Could also be a reaction to some kind of bite… here is another thought... when did he have he last round of shots? But in the end, I think I would take a trip to the Vet... could just be a little ear infection going on... they can and do get yeast infections in the ears.. and I have found that puppies for what ever reason get dirty ears... and slight infections. Kobey had one when he was about 4/5 months old...
His second round of puppy shots he got on the 7th of this month. His next round isn't until the 6th of March.
I am going to call the vet this afternoon & ask them if we should bring him in. His ears do get really dirty with wax buildup. I have actually used a q-tip (he's gotten a little better) & cleaned them almost every other day in the past week because everytime I look down there I see some buildup. Maybe that itself is another sign that something more is wrong.
I will check his paws & rear tonight for any signs of an allergy but I examined him a lot last night (after noticing his ears) & didn't see anything else out of the ordinary.