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Full Moon woes (or why it pays to have a sense of humor as a b owner!)

Basenji Talk
  • Well, I was getting no attention the other day and Dad forgot about me and left my brother's room door open. He is grown and living away but I do still like to go to his room b/c he doesn't have room in his apartment for all his COOL stuff. He has lots of chewable stuff, and I especially loved his new sheets. They smelled real good, and tasted much better. I had the best chewing time, but Good God Miss Molly, Dad came in and taught me. He said, "Sahara what are you doing, Mommie is going to be soooooooo mad at you". Actually, I think Dad should get in trouble, He knows I like to chew and he left the door open. Besides, where am I going to get money to buy new King size sheets:eek: :eek:. These humans put too much pressure on me, what is a Basenji to do. Queen Sahara:cool:

  • Magnum dude you have it all figured out! Too bad I don't have any hooman siblings to blame my antics on! And YUM tissues! I hit the mother load when Mom got this cold - it's tissue heaven 'round here! :D

    Sahara you are the master!! Training your Daddy to leave the "chew room" door open and having him take the fall! I bow to the Queen! ;) And what is the obsession with new sheets do ya think? I love to dig them until they're no longer recognizable as sheets - more like pretty ratty dust rags! ;) :D

    -Stormie - wanting to form an alliance called Bad Basenji Brigade! ;)

    oh, P.S. - Mom pulled out the love seat and sofa to vaccuum today and guess what she found??? The (slightly chewed) cap from the syrup bottle!!! :D :) HAHA!!

  • @red:

    oh, P.S. - Mom pulled out the love seat and sofa to vaccuum today and guess what she found??? The (slightly chewed) cap from the syrup bottle!!! :D :) HAHA!!

    There you go . . . a good cleaning solves many mysteries - yes?

  • Since we're confessing….

    As any good girly girl I love love love shoes! My mom knows this..right mom?! :) Well dads shoes are the best because they have yummy laces AND they're 100% leather ummm umm. Dad bought new shoes for a wedding this weekend and left them out the closet for ME. I figured he didn't like the laces so I ate them up for him :D :D...when my mom caught me...she said OH NO TOPAZ :eek: your dad is going to get your teeth removed!!..uh oh! She ran to the store to get the laces to replace them before he noticed. I hope my teeth are safe :(


  • @jys1011:

    Since we're confessing….

    As any good girly girl I love love love shoes! My mom knows this..right mom?! :) Well dads shoes are the best because they have yummy laces AND they're 100% leather ummm umm. Dad bought new shoes for a wedding this weekend and left them out the closet for ME. I figured he didn't like the laces so I ate them up for him :D :D...when my mom caught me...she said OH NO TOPAZ :eek: your dad is going to get your teeth removed!!..uh oh! She ran to the store to get the laces to replace them before he noticed. I hope my teeth are safe :(


    Ha…that is too funny! Your Mommy is so smart! I'm sure your teeth are safe…for now.

  • As any good Basenji Mom would do, JYS1011 you are surely one of the good ones. I would do the same as Dad always says Sahara is Mom's when I get in trouble, but Daddy's Girl when I am good!!!!! What's with that:eek: :eek: .

  • Deke guys are crazy. As long as mom closes all room doors, cleans up my human sisters' toys closes the Pantry door, puts up a gate or two, and puts the trash can up ON the counter in the kitchen I'm an angel !!!!!!!!!! Luckily I grew out of the shoe thing she had to hide those for a few years too. I did find my two legged sisters outside…she left them there for me right? It was good. Heres a good one. When I was little mom thought she could get something done if she gated me in the Kitchen. Ha I showed her I POOPed right in her shoe. They taught her not to ignore me.

  • For some excellent tips all you fur kids out there should have someone read the book "Rou's Tips For Basenjis" to you. Many handy tips from hints on handling toilet paper to - well just about anything a B would like to learn!! Seriously it's a super cute book! I just got it today and it is hilarious!! You can get it at

  • Topaz - SHEW! That was CLOSE! So glad you have an excellent Momma lookin' out for your dental well-being! :)

    Deke - B(arooing)M(y)T(ail)O(ff)!!!! Way to teach your Mom a lesson about baby gates!!! :D :)

    Kebasmom - I took tips from the master herself. Here's a picture of me reading Rou's book:

  • What a wonderful picture! Did you let your dog read the WHOLE book?!? Oh wait - it doesn't matter - I think all Bs are born knowing everything in that book…..

  • Kebasmom - yup, I agree - I view Rou's book as a training manual for the hoomans in the basenji's life! ;) :D

  • I read the manual too!! Rou is my idol :)

  • Well, you guys know about Sahara chewing my new sheets. I was at work 2 days ago when my hubby called and said, "You won't believe what happened to Sahara today"! My heart sank, I said, "Is she Ok, he said kinda", and I replied, "Is she alive, I was so scared"! He went out to get lunch and when he returned Sahara did not greet him as she always does when we leave. He came in and found her in our guest room trying to pull out a piece of sheet from her U know what, (anus)! He said, "I had to pull it out myself and I think she still has a piece I couldn't reach still in there"! He said, he left for work and when I come home I need to check her out. Of course I will check things out, are you kidding. She is my Baby Girl, on the way home from work I called my vet and told her the situation. She said, Bring her right in! We were there for about an hour. No problem with her, no fever, no sheet, nothing. So Sahara is fine, wonder if she will eat sheets again, :eek: :eek: Probably:confused:

  • That is super scary! Luckily she didn't have a serious blockage from that. I have a friend whose golden retriever did the same thing only there was no evidence that he had eaten part of a sheet. He hadn't been feeling well for a day and the vet had told them just give him the bland diet. Anyway, the next morning, we're all having breakfast, and I say to my friend, "hey, what does Chance have coming out of his butt…". George says he thinks he just has something wrapped in his tail...wrong. Goes over and pulls it out of his butt...must have been at least 3ft of sheet. :eek: Needless to say, Chance went to the vet again!

    BTW, I've since heard that you aren't actually supposed to pull it out as it could be actually wrapped around the intestine. I guess the dog should go to the vet for an xray first..don't know if that is true.

  • That makes sense to me, hadn't thought about that! Thanks for the info.

  • Y&T - So sorry about your girl Sahara. Hope she's feeling much better. How scary that must have been for you!

    Daisy had to be crated last night alone in the house while I took Duke to training class. When I came home, a red throw blanket was tightly weaved thru the crate wires. When I pulled it out, 2 big holes were eaten out (5" or 6" diameter). The material must be in her belly - there were only a few red threads in and around her crate. Hope to find some red threaded poop today. We were only gone 1.5 hours, but she's never been totally alone in the house because Duke would be in his crate, next to hers. She must have stretched real hard to get the red blanket lying across the arm chair.

  • Help…this is Ruby...
    No full moon here, but I think I might have finally pushed mom over the edge this morning. Here's what happened.

    Mom put her work clothes on a chair in the hall outside the bathroom while she took a shower. Now normally, I don't care about her've never touched any of them and I'm more interested in my toys. But this morning she put the softest, fluffiest, largest toy I'd ever seen on the chair along with her clothes. Wow, what a GREAT mom...I was having a blast shredding it and she could hear me in the hall having fun...what a great morning!

    Well, it all went terribly wrong when mom got out of the shower. She saw my new toy on the floor and promptly took it away from me and said something about being the devil and she looked like she was going to cry. :confused: Anyway, she took my new toy and all of its pieces and tossed it over the balconey so her brother could put it in the trash. I heard her say, "look what Ruby did to my favourite cashmere hoodie."

    I could tell she was upset so I tried some of the tips that I've read about on here...went over and kissed her, sat perfectly patient by the door so she could take me out, did my business right off the bat upon going outside.

    But I still need your help. Mom is still being a little quiet and looks sad (although she told me I was good for going potty and she gave me a treat). But that isn't really what I need your help question is:

    What is a cashmere hoodie, and where can I get another one...what a fantastic toy!

    BTW, Mom has been watching a special about pet taxidermy on National Geographic...should I be worried?

  • Hahahaha-sure tought Mom a lesson didn't you. (Sorry Mom, but you should have known better-all sweetness until BAM! the little ears turn into horns!)

    Not sure where Mom can get another one-and she would never even think of the pet taxidermy thing-she still loves you!

  • Mommy may not "Like" you very much right now but she still "Loves" you.

    My sympathy to poor Mommy.


  • Ruby, Christmas is coming maybe you'll get a new one of those cashmere things to play with then. Maybe mom will too. Somethings are just too good to leave alone. My two legged sister left a shoe one time it had fluffy sheep skin I thought she left it there for me. It looked like some of my toys but she wasn't happy when I took a bite of it.

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