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Mystery bumps

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Dash has come up with these bumps randomly on his body. Both front legs, top of his head, hip, shoulder and in between his rear legs. Has anyone see anything similar? I can't not find fleas or flea dirt. We started noticing it a couple days ago. We washed his kennel bedding. No food changes recently. Our other dog is fine and they are inseparable. I am stumped. I was hoping maybe one of you saw something similar. Here is a pic.

    He does seem kind of itchy as well.


  • Storm once had hives from Advantix flea treatment, and it looked similar to the bumps on Dash. Have you applied any topical flea treatments recently or had your yard treated with anything? It could be a reaction to something enviromental. I'd suggest having your vet take a look at the bumps to be on the safe side.

  • I haven't treated him or the yard. I gave him 1/2 a benadryl to help with the itching. If it gets worse I will take him in tonight or tomorrow morning. Thanks for the advice.

  • You can give him up to 2 whole Benadryl… it is one of the safest things you can give a dog... even a baby puppy can have a whole one.... Looks like some kind of reaction to a bite of some kind.... maybe a spider?

  • I was thinking the same thing Pat, but spiders, ants or something in the yard??

  • We thought it might be a spider or something as well. but 1, our beagle doesn't seem to be bothered and 2, we have checked and washed all the bedding down there. I could be something in the grass. He loves to lay in the grass for hours. Maybe something is biting him there. I will give him some more benadryl

  • and there are spiders in grass… or maybe a bee sting?.... especially if he is laying in the grass... Funny I have lots of grass and mine would not be caught dead laying in grass... LOL.... only there to pee and poop on

  • Definitely looks & sounds like an allergic reaction to something…perhaps an insect bite or grass pollen but something in his environment. If it keeps up after the Benadryl dosage take him for an allergy test to the Vet. They take a bit of blood & figure out what he's reacting to.

    Also try some cortisone ointment & oatmeal shampoo to help relieve the itching.

    Good luck!

  • I don't know if they are in your area, (I doubt it) but Nala had bites on her from black flies that were red and itchy and more of a ringed look to them. I took her to the vet immediately, only to be told what they were! Boy did I feel silly…I'm sure you'll get to the bottom of it...

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