Is my rescue mix part Basenji?
@giza1 - Not totally true for all Basenjis... Yes, some don't like the water, but not all... my C-Me took her first swim at 5 months chasing ducks... had no issue swimming. My Franie love the hose and chasing the stream of water getting soaked...
Oh he's not that tall. Did they tell you he was born with that tail? It kind of looks docked to me. And just because he doesn't come when you call has nothing to do with how smart he is, trainability and intelligence are NOT the same thing, in fact they're almost opposite. Because your dog does not come when you call him, DO NOT call him unless you can MAKE him come (ie: on a leash). Otherwise, you're just teaching him to ignore you.
-Joanne -
Okay he's cute, I certainly wouldn't be surprised if a mix... but without a DNA test, no way to really tell.
Barking... well basenjis bark, but for most it is a single Boof.. pause... booof. Not the bow wow wow rhythm of other dogs.
Oh shedding... they shed but nothing like my other breeds. We get a shed out in early summer. Otherwise, unless sick, not much shedding.
I have only had 3 basenjis... they all hated water, one so much that getting her to potty if the ground is we is a serious issue.