Don't start off trying to brush the teeth, let them chew just a little and lick it then move it around lightly brushing without holding their head. Just do that for the first few days or a week. Don't force it. They have to feel a little self determinism in this whole process.
So no gel, just a wet toothbrush to get them used to it?
So far, Bowpi does two things… she either licks the gel right off the bristles, or tries to pull the bristles out of the stem, like I'm holding a raw drumstick for her (I've been holding her raw meaty bones as she tears off the meat and crunches the bones, otherwise she drags them all around the room, and she's sort of loathe to hold the bones down with her paws).
It's only been a few days, so I'll keep at it. Not sure how I should progress to actually brushing her teeth yet, but at least she seems to be enjoying the attention.
The shiba came in while we were doing this once. Bowpi was cradled in my lap, belly out and leaned up against my stomach. She's very easy to manipulate, and I thought this would be a good angle to eventually work my way to her back teeth. Anyway, Bowdu came over to sniff the toothbrush, then he gave her this utter look of disgust, huffed in her face and flounced out of the room.