• So for the past couple weeks, we've been having an issue with Lucy. Right after we first got her, we changed her food quite a bit cause everyone gave us free food cause she's a rescue, but no one gave us the same food. Now we are giving her the food that she loved when we first gave it to her, but she's not eating it. I give her breakfast at 7am, and come home at 2 and the bowl is still full. She drinks all her water, will chew on a bone and lick all the peanut butter out of a toy- but won't touch her food. Come dinner time, she'll ignore her food, but beg for mine. She's obviously hungry, but won't eat her food. She'll eat it by the end of the day usually. Is this normal that they only eat once and when they eat it's very little?

  • @Larka:

    So for the past couple weeks, we've been having an issue with Lucy. Right after we first got her, we changed her food quite a bit cause everyone gave us free food cause she's a rescue, but no one gave us the same food. Now we are giving her the food that she loved when we first gave it to her, but she's not eating it. I give her breakfast at 7am, and come home at 2 and the bowl is still full. She drinks all her water, will chew on a bone and lick all the peanut butter out of a toy- but won't touch her food. Come dinner time, she'll ignore her food, but beg for mine. She's obviously hungry, but won't eat her food. She'll eat it by the end of the day usually. Is this normal that they only eat once and when they eat it's very little?

    It is "obvious" she is NOT hungry…. 😉 I say this because she is not eating... except what she "choses" to eat.... Believe me.... if they are hungry, they will eat, period... and honestly, please stop free feeding. Put her on a schedule for two meals a day.. put the bowl down for no more then 15/20 minutes if she eats great, if not take it away. A dog unless really ill, will NOT starve itself to death... just will not happen.. However, they can make you feel pretty darn guilty by not eating what they are supposed to eat. Also, she should be fed "after" YOU eat, not before... and do not let her beg for your food... even if you have to put her in a different room... when you are finished, then feed her. Again, do not leave food for her, give her a certain amount of time and if she doesn't eat it, take it away. To give in and spoil her is to never be able to develop health eating habits. I have been through this more times then I can could. My oldest male ate maybe once every 2 days, one meal, if I was lucky... but I never gave in..... and it took 3 yrs, but now when the food bowl goes down, he eats...

    How much does she weigh? Is she over weight? how much are you feeding her?

  • She weighs around 30lbs and she's part Corgi, so I expect her to be a little bigger than a normal Basenji. She doesn't look overweight at all. The food I've been getting has directions on the side and says to give her a cup of food each time. And that's what I've been doing.

    In the morning is really the only time I leave her with her food for an extended period of time. At night, I normally eat, then feed her. I usually take her wanting my food as a sign of "Mommy, where's mine?" and finish and give her her food. When I'm home, if she doesn't eat it within 15 minutes, I pick the bowl back up. But during the day I'm not home with her and leave the food in her crate with her. I've been trying to put her on a schedule, but it's taking getting used to since she was in the shelter for most of her year and half long life and they just give them big bowls of water and food and forget about them. Her begging isn't really extended- she'll come over and look at me, wag her tail and be like "feed me." But if I just ignore her, she'll only beg for like a minute if that.

  • Be very careful with what's on the bags of how to feed your pet. They are generally talking about a highly active dog. Directions usually suck on the dog food bags. I wouldn't think she'd need food in the crate. Same thing goes with an am feeding. If she doesn't eat in 10-15 pick it up-she'll eat at night if she's hungry. Corgi's are stocky, but not fat, you should still be able to feel ribs on any dog without pressure. As Pat said, they'll not starve to death.

  • I feed Duke & Daisy 3/4 cup of dry Canidae twice daily. Duke hasn't been eating lately though and getting skinny. His energy level remains high. I began to worry two-fold because Daisy won't hesitate to eat Duke's share. So I've been taking his bowl away after 15 minutes if he hasn't eaten it because I tire of watching Daisy circle like a shark at Duke's uneaten food. I remembered how much Duke likes the canned Merricks food, so I've been putting in 1/4 can mixed in with the dry for him and a sprinkling of it's juice on Daisy's. That took care of that problem.

  • @Duke:

    I feed Duke & Daisy 3/4 cup of dry Canidae twice daily. Duke hasn't been eating lately though and getting skinny. His energy level remains high. I began to worry two-fold because Daisy won't hesitate to eat Duke's share. So I've been taking his bowl away after 15 minutes if he hasn't eaten it because I tire of watching Daisy circle like a shark at Duke's uneaten food. I remembered how much Duke likes the canned Merricks food, so I've been putting in 1/4 can mixed in with the dry for him and a sprinkling of it's juice on Daisy's. That took care of that problem.

    Exactly what crates are great for…. then they can't circle like a shark...:p
    Of course they can "stare"... if using wire crates....:D

  • @tanza:

    Exactly what crates are great for…. then they can't circle like a shark...:p
    Of course they can "stare"... if using wire crates....:D

    😃 LOL ha ha! I feed in their wire crates with open doors. So Daisy couldn't go in and threaten Duke's food supply, I tried locking Duke in the crate with his food - no success. He just looked so sad being in there as I verbally tried to encourage him to "eat up".

    LOL She can "stare" inside the crate and then hatch a plan to s-t-r-e-t-c-h a front paw in at the bowl until it's tipped over in hopes a few kibbles roll her way. It made another mess to pick up. 😃 Smart dogs! :rolleyes:

  • I feed Tayda in her crate, because if i don't she will pick up a few pieces of food, carry it to the carpet and eat it there. Also it keeps Lenny away from her food. Usually when he's done eating, he'll wander over to the crate and wait around like a vulture. ha ha.

    However, I did notice Tayda's eating habits changed a lot once Lenny was around. She used to not eat much, maybe once a day, and she would never finish her food. Even now, I feed them both at the same time and Lenny will gobble up his food, and Tayda will just sit around. Once Lenny is done and is wandering over for Taydas food, she gets up and starts eating. It really seems like she only eats so that he doesn't get her food.

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