Pat, I am not in the circles that would get info, but with those high numbers and YOU not hearing, it makes me really concerned people are pretending and no testing or not telling. it is sort of like Cavalier breeders who told buyers their dogs had NO history of heart problems, then you find out they bred early and stopped breeding AND testing before the dogs were even 5 (typically they find MVD in HALF of all Cavaliers by the age of five). Not testing isn't the same as not having issues. So I knew this breeder who neutered all her dogs, 8 generations into the breed, and bought new dogs out of, you know I don't now remember where she imported from– because THEIR DOGS didn't have the high rates. Guess what? They did. They just weren't testing.
As a side note, it was the main reason we didn't get one for Leora to show, and how we ended up with Basenjis. Let's be honest, basenjis are a much better fit.