Yes, that is exactly what she is doing– diarrhea everywhere, on the top, bottom and sides of the crate and all over the bars. Chealsie, you are the first person I've talked to that has experienced this level of panic. Ava did it from Day 1, within minutes of being shut in the crate. It's the only time she has diarrhea or shows anxiety and wow, does she go berserk! I'm glad Oakley got past it. I'm taking it slow and only shutting her in for short periods of time, building a little every day. I hear you about the Jack Daniels-- it's as hard on us as it is on them-- maybe worse!
I'm putting the towel over the sides of the crate, Pat, and that is containing the mess, but it's slow going. Tad said both of her parents were easily crate trained, so I'm not sure what's up with Little Miss Ava. I sure hope she can get past it soon!