I believe Pat/Tanza is referring to JEssica's dog [can't remember his/her name] and Julie's Diamond.
The problem with Diamond was that while his Linkage Test was Probable Carrier, he was from a Probable Carrier x Probable Carrier breeding, which means that Julie SHOULD have been test stripping because this dog COULD have easily been affected due to the results of the parents…
and having seen it happen to one of my dogs [we are in the same club].
My dog's linkage test result was Carrier and when re-done on the linkage test was Carrier again. She passed before the Direct Test and I have no idea if they ever re-did her test on the direct test to see if it was a DNA recombination or data entry error.
Diamond's initial results [that were sent to her] were p. Carrier and were obviously a data entry issue as when they re-tested on the Linkage test he DID test as p. Affected. This was done AFTER he started spilling sugar, as he wasn't strip tested until he was showing obvious signs of Fanconi Syndrome [excessive drinking and urination].
I am with Debra… with over 5000 tested, there is room for error, it is possible with anything where there is human input.