Everyone needs to talk about a spay/neuter... while in Europe it is not the "norm" to do so... however in the US it is.... that said waiting till the pup is mature is the best... but in the US we have issues with puppymills and Backyard breeders that breed/sell pups for profit... My contracts say that the pup needs to be spayed/neutered... and we talk about the age. Again, I will say that my puppy people are "Vetted" before getting a puppy, but many Puppymiller puppies and/or Backyard Breeders could not care if those pups were bred or not... nor are they health tested... so as they say "buyer beware". Responsible breeders stay in touch with the pups they place... the others... NOT... could not care less... OK I said my 2cents... And many in the US are not ready to keep a female that is in season... a short story about a friend that had 2 German Shepards... Male/Female in tact.... female came in season, so they locked to male in the backyard, female in their garage... the male "ate down the door to the garage to get to the female..".... puppies happened... no health testing either... IT HAPPENS... DO NOT THINK THAT IT WILL NOT! And I can tell you stories about males coming through windows in the home to get to a bitch in season....years ago we had a 12yr in-tact male lab 3 blocks over, he knew exactly when my Basenji bitches were in season... thankfully we had 12ft fences... but he was there every single day... not so for many homes that have fences this big... and if this boy was younger... I can bet he would have found a way over the fence
Need help from Rural B Owners Re: Ultimate Fencing!
do you have a pic? I'd love to see.I have field fencing and a dog-strength hot wire inside my fencing. (It is not invisible) This works well for me and mine, but my dogs are not outside unattended.
I've heard that a 45degree angle inward Is enough to stop any cat from climbing over a fence…(heard on animal planet- my cat from hell)..so I imagine it would absoloutely keep a basenji in
Does the inward angle stop other creatures from getting in? Coyotes & foxes may or may not be a problem–there are lots in the county forest, but probably well fed.
Does anyone have experience with "coyote rollers" or a DIY version thereof?
I would think they would be similar to what I did with PVC pipe, but you are trying to deter a critter from getting in, not out, so position accordingly. Of course, coyotes are good jumpers, so your fence would have to be high enough. The inward angled top might make it a bit more difficult, but really, a "V" top would be best if you are trying to prevent fence climbing from both sides. Of get your Bs their very own "livestock protection dog".
The B's do have a nanny dog, a blue heeler/shepherd X but she's semi-retired and getting sick of our antics: these days if I ask her to check up on one of her B siblings she sighs & rolls her eyes instead of jumping to her feet and charging off to bark a toilet paper thief into submission. She might actually cheer the coyote on instead of chasing him away.
I tried to photograph but it doesn't really give the idea. No I assume it might not stop an animal from outside but I think that probably the swinging of the top fence would deter. We did have a LPD (a Kangal) but sadly she died some years ago. We all (Basenjis too) miss her dearly.
I have used the Field fencing (I think it is called Fabric Wire mesh or fencing), whatever the first link that eeefarm posted. I have not had a problem with it yet. We have about half an acre fenced in with it and plan on doing the rest of the acreage (probably another 1.5 acres) for the dogs either this fall or next spring. You can get it cheapest at Peavy Mart in Canada. I will try to get a picture of it for you. It is 1"x 2" squares.
@krunzer Did you install it yourselves? And is there any chance a B would be able to climb the 1"x2" mesh? I'm worried I'll spend a pile of $$$ on fencing and the opening size would be too big, and they'll climb it like a ladder. My DH says "Just bite the bullet & install 6' board fencing" but of course they aren't his dogs so he's not paying…and of course, he'll be the first one to say I Told You So if livestock fencing doesn't contain them.
The 45degree angle will only stop creatures from getting in on the side it's angled…you could potentially create a Y at the top of the fence so both sides have the 45degree angle...I'm really not familiar with rural fencing but Im doing some research myself since you brought up the topic
We installed it ourselves. We had some round fence posts already in the ground and used some 6 foot green metal posts inbetween those to make sure that we had enough support. We used metal staples into the round fence posts. I do have to say though that my dogs are NOT climbers. If you make the bottom tight and the top a little bit looser I don't think they will like the feeling of the fence bending and moving and try not to climb. But that is just a thought….. You could maybe run an independant line half-way up, hook it to a battery with a solar panel and run a low voltage through it, even on each side to keep other animals from coming in.
Yodelma, I don't blame you…my ex would have said the same...damned if you do and damne if you don't! My two cents is this: I know I would worry,worry worry all the time if the fencing wasn't secure and for me it would be worth the peace of mind to spend the difference. The worst thing will come if you get the fencing and the first time you let them out your standing there watching and worrying thinking " I can't believe I'm worrying about this!"
Before we erected the top swinging fence Bungwa got out several times and did some damage to my sheep. Afterwards he soon gave up trying. We us pig netting for our fences which is a rectangular holed wire. Pig netting is a loose netting and our Basenjis feel very insecure when they try to climb it.
@Krunzer, Which Peaveymart? I tried to find it in their catalogue, but all they have is wire mesh. We hope to do Cricket's back yard next year, but if I can find this now, I'll get it!
@Krunzer, Which Peaveymart? I tried to find it in their catalogue, but all they have is wire mesh. We hope to do Cricket's back yard next year, but if I can find this now, I'll get it!
I think it is called Wire Mesh or something similar to that….I wanted to say wire fabric though. We got it in the PeavyMart here in Grande Prairie.