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How Often Should You Vaccinate Your Dog?

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • You are so right Andrea. I should not have phrased it in such a way as to make it seem like I am telling anyone to do anything. I hate when that happens!

    So let me rephrase it - It is MY OPINION that energy would be better spent - esp. since dismay is being felt and shared with us all - for any committee members to work within their committee to get the change they imply the BCOA does not have, that they desire. Just my opinion of course - folks are free to do as they please. If they feel posting to the forum is working for them or getting them the change they want, far be it for me to tell them to change their tactics.

    Thanks for bringing that to my attention so I could better clarify.

  • @LindaH:

    Debra, at what age do you consider a dog senior for purposes of discontinuing the every-3-year vaccination schedule?

    Depends on the breed. I don't do anything but required rabies on Rottweilers after 9. Since sadly most die between 8 to 10 (we celebrate every year we got, almost joyful at those over 12…in fact a guy is doing a documentary across the country on those who reach 13 :( ), 9 is indeed senior for them. Chows by 10 or 11. If out, I do use kennel cough nasal... or when fostering dogs. Arwen is almost 9, she just had her last 3 yr shot. I cannot imagine doing more than rabies for her when she is 12. Human vaccines predominately last a life time. I frankly feel every 3 yrs is over kill.


    Jo is serious as a heart attack and so am I. I have been talking openly about this topic since the nationals of 2000.

    I actually recently posted, have been vocal and written on it a lot over the years.

    As for vets, I am lucky to have vets who long ago conceded it wasn't necessary, who switched vaccines when I took them in the article on research, and who… although they are not convinced vaccines generally cause much harm if over vaccinated, admit not needed.

    However, that said, there was a study almost 25 freaking years ago on mange and auto immune in bulldogs and over vaccination. I bless Norma Hugo (Hugobull kennels) for educating me on many issues when I was still new and before the internet!

    Linda, I too read your post as condescending. Glad you cleared it up, but frankly it almost sounds like you are saying the BCOA is too busy and the topic not one they want to use energy on, so do it yourself or shut up. How hard it is for the BCOA to SIMPLY recommend the AAHA protocol? They don't have to go out on any limb there, do any work, just simply promote that guideline as a start.

  • Hi Debra, sorry you misread my intentions.

    I sooooo agree with you Debra - how hard can it be to just post a link and be done with it? I mean seriously.

    And while I wish, wish, wish, it were as simple as that - I am learning it is not.

    The HRC is comprised of a number of vastly different people with vastly differing opinions and not one opinion or one position or one way of doing things rules. Everyone on the committee will want to be heard, their opinions considered about their belief symptoms not to mention where everyone feels the links should even go.

    It is my opinion that good business practice would dictate in the end a consensus would be needed that all committee members can live with or risk rampant discontent within the committee and beyond. Sadly - it is getting that consensus which seems to eat up the hours.

    Nothing like being on the board to a) lose ones idealism about how things can be done and b) put a different perspective on the simplest of things.

  • @tanza:

    Great Posts Therese! Thanks for sharing….. people need to take notice, I too would love to see you write an article for the Bulletin so that people get both sides of the problem and why.

    Or maybe better yet... do it for The Modern Basenji....

    So Pat…you don't think the BCOA membership as a whole would benefit from the article? Or is it because you have a beef with the health committee that you would like the membership to pay to have access to the article/information?

    Just curious.

  • @JoT:

    Kris, thank you for posting these video links. This is critical information and presented so well.

    You're very welcome, I thoroughly agree that the information is critical and well-presented, and I hope that everyone watches all 4 parts of this informative interview.

  • Linda,
    Although I have no personal gripe with you I have read your posts here and on other lists and feel this time as well as a few others your post was condescending. I personally do not like being spoken down to or seeing anyone with an opinion being spoken down to publicly and as you say you don't either so I would think you would understand why I responded. In your reply you explain what you "really" meant in your post but contradict that in a couple of places so I remain a bit confused by your posts.
    As with other topics you have written about when some disagrees or as you say "calls you out" you have now labeled yourself the victim and misunderstood here. I clearly see there is no point in trying to clarify further what I said, I am comfortable with what I wrote and willing to let it stand on its own.
    AIHA is an awful disease and I'm sorry you lost your dog but as you said it was not vaccine related and although I would not jump to the conclusion the vaccine caused the AIHA I would wonder if I was you, if waiting for the blood results before vaccinating might have given you a better chance at treatment for Sage. Vaccinating a dog in the beginning stages of AIHA as you said Sage was could very well of triggered an immune system reaction which could have cut her life short, but I'm sure you already know this so I'm not telling you anything you haven't considered. Again I would use your dogs case as many others to explain why timing of vaccines as well of frequency plays a huge role in vaccine related issues in our dogs.

  • I don't give any shots to my b's except for rabies after the age of 5. If I am concerned re the antibodies levels, I do blood titers. I recommend titers to anyone I place a rescue dog.

  • @renaultf1:

    So Pat…you don't think the BCOA membership as a whole would benefit from the article? Or is it because you have a beef with the health committee that you would like the membership to pay to have access to the article/information?

    Just curious.

    I do think that the entire membership and Basenji owners that are not members would benefit from the article. Their choice if they want to pay for a subscription to TMB. The point that Therese was making is that she would love to write and article for the Bulletin (not a paid ad) about this point… I was agreeing with that and that putting it also in TMB would be a good idea also. Not sure where you think I said that I didn't think that the BCOA membership as a whole would benefit? If that is the way it reads, my apologies, not what was intended, however if the Bulletin doesn't want such an article, then yes, put it in a publication that will print it (and not as an ad). Could have been the part where I said "better yet", however I should have put "Better yet, put it in The Modern Basenji too".

    I have no beef with the Health Committee, per say.... only with the antics of the Co-Chair. IMO the group is way to big and without the appropriate people on the committee. (myself incuded when I was a member as there are much better qualified people to serve on that committee)

  • Hi Therese,

    With all due respect, I can no more control how you or anyone else personalizes and/or filters what I write (or what anyone writes). I can only write and respond through my personal experiences and intentions. If folks want to know what those intentions are vs. assuming they know and then writing as though their assumptions are fact, all they need do is ask. I am more than willing to clarify as I hope any one of us would be without making it or taking it personal.

    As for contradicting myself, again please do let me know how or where I did this as I do not feel I have but am always open to the possibility. Your saying I have done so but then unwilling to show me exactly where does little to help me better communicate and creates an inaccurate implication.

    Going back to my first sentence - I can not control how any one person processes what I write, all I can do is ask folks to please ask, using examples to support their premise, so I can better address the issue. Short of that folks sill continue choose to believe what they believe even if it is not true.

    On another note - Pat - what do you mean by paid advertisement in the Bulletin??? Are you seriously suggesting the BCOA Bulletin charges people for their articles or folks have to pay to have an article included??? What ever gave you that idea? Therese (and anyone else for that matter - I don't beleive you even have to be a member) are more than welcome to send along an article AT NO COST for inclusion in the Bulletin, as has been the way since as long as I can remember.

  • @sinbaje:

    On another note - Pat - what do you mean by paid advertisement in the Bulletin??? *Are you seriously suggesting the BCOA Bulletin charges people for their articles or folks have to pay to have an article included??? *What ever gave you that idea? *Therese (and anyone else for that matter - I don't beleive you even have to be a member) are more than welcome to send along an article AT NO COST for inclusion in the Bulletin, as has been the way since as long as I can remember.

    No, not what I said, I wanted to make it clear that I was speaking of an "article" not a paid ad, period. I made NO suggestion that the Bulletin charge for articles.

    Of course that said, it would have to pass the review committee….to be included

  • @sinbaje:

    It is my opinion that good business practice would dictate in the end a consensus would be needed that all committee members can live with or risk rampant discontent within the committee and beyond.

    Good business practices are not run by such measures. Ultimately, the majority have to make decisions. Simple majority often is needed to get ANYTHING done. Committee members have to accept they win some, they lose some, pull up your big girl panties and move on. Effective business cannot be run trying to please all the board members.


    Or is it because you have a beef with the health committee that you would like the membership to pay to have access to the article/information?Just curious.



    If that is the way it reads, my apologies, not what was intended

    You have, on occasions, taken shots at me, and me at you, so if anyone should be reading crappola into your posts, it would be me. So let me assure you, your post didn't display anything to apologize for.


    although I would not jump to the conclusion the vaccine caused the AIHA I would wonder if I was you, if waiting for the blood results before vaccinating might have given you a better chance at treatment for Sage. Vaccinating a dog in the beginning stages of AIHA as you said Sage was could very well of triggered an immune system reactionTherese

    If you had addressed that cruel, uncalled for comment to me, I'd have been barred from this forum before the virtual ink dried. The test showed
    :::: The lab work was mostly unremarkable though her hemotocrit was slightly low - we just thought she was dehydrated that particular morning due to being fasted.:::::
    Your post seems to indicate… no it SAYS it, had she waited her dog might be alive. Uncalled for callous comment. SLIGHTLY LOW, fasting, absolutely NOTHING but crystal ball to indicate a problem. Had she NOT vaccinated, it might not have, indeed progressed, so the dog would STILL have seemed okay, gotten the vaccine. Shaking my head. I don't know what the history is, but placing blame in any way on an owner who responded in a normal way is surely to goodness uncalled for at least. Perhaps Linda has a much thicker skin than me, but first I'd have cried, and then I'd have blasted you in a way that would have ended my participation here. (And please don't try spinning it that you were suggesting everyone should wait til full blood panel of all possible types before vaccinating... which is what, at that stage, it would have taken to indicate any real problem, if even that!)

  • @tanza:

    I do think that the entire membership and Basenji owners that are not members would benefit from the article. Their choice if they want to pay for a subscription to TMB. The point that Therese was making is that she would love to write and article for the Bulletin (not a paid ad) about this point… I was agreeing with that and that putting it also in TMB would be a good idea also. Not sure where you think I said that I didn't think that the BCOA membership as a whole would benefit? If that is the way it reads, my apologies, not what was intended, however if the Bulletin doesn't want such an article, then yes, put it in a publication that will print it (and not as an ad). Could have been the part where I said "better yet", however I should have put "Better yet, put it in The Modern Basenji too".

    I have no beef with the Health Committee, per say…. only with the antics of the Co-Chair. IMO the group is way to big and without the appropriate people on the committee. (myself incuded when I was a member as there are much better qualified people to serve on that committee)

    Thanks Pat for the clarification…yes, the bold was why I took your post the way I did.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    You have, on occasions, taken shots at me, and me at you, so if anyone should be reading crappola into your posts, it would be me. So let me assure you, your post didn't display anything to apologize for.

    Debra…do me a favor...and DON'T speak on my behalf or pretend for one minute that you know my intent - you DON'T. I'm quite capable of responding. If you took my comment as a snark, so be it. Quite frankly I DID take Pat's post as saying to put the article in TMB instead of the Bulletin and since I am a member of the BCOA, I wanted to know why. Pat has since clarified what she meant, I've since clarified why I took it the way I did - two folks involved in the conversation - explaining their side, problem solved. And your involvement has helped that how?

  • @sinbaje:

    (I do yearly lab work on all my kids)

    Linda, what type of yearly lab work do you have done?

  • Debra,
    If you read my comment as cruel it was not intended to be and I'm clarifying that. Linda did not give clear detail but I stand by the fact that I am the cause of my Ali's red blood cell aplasia in the sense I allowed the vet to restart her vaccine protocol because he was not comfortable relying on the breeders vaccine records. I should have stood my ground and used caution. Linda S stated in her posts that she is educated in vaccine reactions and takes the time to do blood work annually, although I put no blame on Linda for vaccinating her dog anymore than I do Jo for using annual vaccines on her dog that is now facing an issue I do think questioning these types of decisions in hind sight can only prove to help the dogs in the future.
    So to clarify, I do not believe Sage would have been saved by not waiting for labs, just that it may have helped or rather the vaccine given in this case as in others may have "hurt". Just wanted to clarify as I would never intentionally be cruel about someone losing their dog. It breaks my heart we don't get a second chance on dogs like Sage or my girl Ali to do things differently but we certainly can help dogs in the future with what we learned in the past and that was my point.

  • @renaultf1:

    Debra…do me a favor...and DON'T speak on my behalf or pretend for one minute that you know my intent - you DON'T. I'm quite capable of responding. If you took my comment as a snark, so be it. Quite frankly I DID take Pat's post as saying to put the article in TMB instead of the Bulletin and since I am a member of the BCOA, I wanted to know why. Pat has since clarified what she meant, I've since clarified why I took it the way I did - two folks involved in the conversation - explaining their side, problem solved. And your involvement has helped that how?

    You post on public board, you get public response. You post a snark, inferring her comment was some nefarious slight to BCOA when it was simply addressing "free" means to publishing info, when it was not necessary to bring personal issues into it, when it really would have opened the article up to many who may not be part of BCOA (I'd have to see membership/subscriber numbers to know), was, IMHO, a snark. If you don't want public response, if you want private conversations, I do trust you know how to use email, no?
    Helped? At least it let her know at least one person didn't think she owed anyone an apology for someone putting their own agenda/spin on her response.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    You post on public board, you get public response. You post a snark, inferring her comment was some nefarious slight to BCOA when it was simply addressing "free" means to publishing info, when it was not necessary to bring personal issues into it, when it really would have opened the article up to many who may not be part of BCOA (I'd have to see membership/subscriber numbers to know), was, IMHO, a snark. If you don't want public response, if you want private conversations, I do trust you know how to use email, no? In fact, much of your personal (the real word is attack but let's diffuse and call them "comments") comments to Linda, like the below, would surely have been better as a PRIVATE conversation. I have no issues with strong opinions about THINGS, but when the focus is a personal nature, it doesn't belong on a forum. And when you do, don't cry at responses.

    Helped? At least it let her know at least one person didn't think she owed anyone an apology for someone putting their own agenda/spin on her response.

    Can you read? Did you see the part that was highlighted in my response to Pat - after her apology. So you don't think that the one word "too" clarified what she meant? It did to me. Clear enough? Post a few more paragraphs…Again you have NO IDEA about my intent. I've explained (to Pat - I owe you no explanation), if you can't understand it, well no amount of explanation will get it across to you. I'm done.

  • OK, lets go back to our regularly scheduled programing!

  • Debra, Linda and all in this thread. I would like to stop the bickering, back and forth, she said, she meant stuff. To me the important part of this thread is the post with the links.
    I won't try to clarify further or defend anything further that I personally posted, people may not read things the way I intended or I may not have written things the way I wanted them read but enough is enough for me. I am comfortable with what I wrote and am willing to take any lumps that come for it on a public forum.
    I again thank Kris for posting the link and this weekend will post it to my website in a new page.
    I love that people are so passionate about their dogs, any breed of dog and look forward to many more passionate discussions in years to come as we all work to improve their lives in any way we can.

  • I sincerely hope we can go back to debating issues, not people. That is where learning and exchanging ideas actually occur.

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    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    @helle-devi - I still do not recommend Lepto vaccine. Too many Basenjis have had reaction to it. That said, if you are in an area with high issues with Lepto, you need to weigh averages. Lepto is typically found around standing water and usually from other dogs.... How much of an increase? Is your Basenji usually on leash? And if you decide to get the vaccine I would make sure it is separate from any other vaccines by at least two to three weeks. Then if you have a reaction you know it is from the Lepto shot. Also you should do Titer Test before giving shots (except Rabies since that is required by laws of each state). Many times doing a titer test will show that a dog is fully covered and do not need a booster. My C-Me will be 12 on Christmas Eve. She had her 1yr booster and never has needed one since. My Franie (will be 12 in January) needed a booster at age 9.
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    Debra, I'm happy to send you a copy of the report if you e-mail me at Below is information I excerpted from the report: The quotes in red below are from the attached scientific report covering adverse events within 3 days of vaccination in dogs over the course of 2 years. Reports of dogs having vaccinal adverse reactions within the same time frame were not included if heartworm medication had been administered along with the vaccines. This study did not include adverse reactions such as development of fibrosarcomas and/or other conditions which take longer than 3 days to develop. Moore, George E. et als., Adverse events diagnosed within three days of Vaccine Administration in Dogs, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol 227, No. 7, October 1, 2005 Animals—1,226,159 dogs vaccinated at 360 veterinary hospitals. Results—4,678 adverse events (38.2/10,000 dogs vaccinated) were associated with administration of 3,439,576 doses of vaccine to 1,226,159 dogs. The VAAE rate decreased significantly as body weight increased. Risk was 27% to 38% greater for neutered versus sexually intact dogs and 35% to 64% greater for dogs approximately 1 to 3 years old versus 2 to 9 months old. The risk of a VAAE significantly increased as the number of vaccine doses administered per office visit increased; each additional vaccine significantly increased risk of an adverse event by 27% in dogs ≤ 10 kg (22 lb) and 12% in dogs > 10 kg. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Young adult small-breed neutered dogs that received multiple vaccines per office visit were at greatest risk of a VAAE within 72 hours after vaccination. Records for dogs that received both an injectable heartworm preventive and a vaccine during the same office visit were not included in analyses. Population—In the 2-year study period, 4,531,837 vaccine doses were administered to 1,537,534 dogs at 360 veterinary hospitals. Among breeds with 5,000 or more dogs vaccinated, Dachshund, Pug, Boston Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, and Chihuahua breeds had the highest rates of VAAEs with 121.7, 93.0, 83.8, 76.4, and 76.1 adverse events/10,000 dogs vaccinated, respectively (Table 1). The VAAE rate for mixed-breed dogs was in the bottom quintile of all rates. The VAAE rates decreased significantly as body weight increased (P for trend < 0.001; Figure 1). For all vaccines or for rabies vaccine alone, the VAAE rate for 10.1- to 45.0-kg (22.2- to 99.0-lb) dogs was approximately half the rate for dogs that weighed 0 to 10.0 kg (0 to 22.0 lb; P < 0.001; Figure 2). For rabies vaccine administered alone, VAAE rates/10,000 dogs that weighed 0 to 10.0 kg, 10.1 to 45.0 kg, and > 45 kg were 32.1 (222/69,178), 15.3 (69/45,088), and 0.0 (0/1,966), respectively. The risk of a VAAE significantly increased as the number of vaccines administered per office visit increased (P for trend < 0.001). In all dogs, each additional vaccine administered per office visit increased the rate of a VAAE by 24.2%; the rate increase was significantly (P <0.001) greater in dogs that weighed 0 to 10.0 kg, compared with dogs that weighed 0.1 to 45.0 kg (27.3% vs 11.5%, respectively; Figure 4). The 3 dogs with recorded deaths each had received ≥ 4 vaccines at their last office visit. The lowest rate was observed with parenteral administration of Bordetella vaccine (15.4/10,000; 82 VAAEs/53,238 doses), and the highest rate was observed with Borrelia (Lyme disease) vaccine (43.7/10,000; 132 VAAEs/30,201 doses). The risk of a VAAE in this study population was inversely related to a dog’s weight. Factors known to cause vaccine reactions include the primary vaccine agent or antigen, adjuvants, preservatives, stabilizers, and residues from tissue cultures used in vaccine production. The overall formulation of various vaccine components (eg, antigen, adjuvants, and diluent) is proprietary information that was unavailable for analysis in our study; thus, the variation in VAAE rates among single-antigen vaccines may not be solely attributable to the primary vaccine antigen. … because of genetic heterogeneity, the relatively low VAAE rate observed in mixed-breed dogs suggests that laboratory safety trials that use such dogs may underestimate the VAAE rates that would occur in purebred dogs. This is important because purebred dogs comprise at least two thirds of the US dog population. The risk of allergic reaction has been reported to increase after the third or fourth injection of a vaccine (ie, a booster response). Neutering appeared to increase risk of a VAAE more than sex. Females mount stronger immune responses after vaccination or infection than males because of a dimorphic enhancing effect of estrogens and a protective effect of androgens. Below are links to excellent information on veterinary vaccines from authoritative sources: Duration of Immunity to Canine Vaccines: What We Know and Don't Know, Dr. Ronald Schultz What Everyone Needs to Know about Canine Vaccines, Dr. Ronald Schultz Age and Long-term Protective Immunity in Dogs and Cats, Dr. Ronald Schultz et als., Journal of Comparative Pathology January 2010 Genetically Engineered and Modified Live Virus Vaccines;Public Health and Animal Welfare Concerns by Michael W. Fox BVetMed,PhD,DSc.MRCVS Vaccination: An Overview Dr. Melissa Kennedy, DVM360 World Small Animal Veterinay Association's 2010 Guidelines for the Vaccination of Dogs and Cats (scroll down to Vaccine Guidelines 2010 World Small Animal Veterinary Association 2007 Vaccine Guidelines Scroll down to Vaccine Guidelines 2007 (PDF) The 2003 American Animal Hospital Association's Canine Vaccine Guidelines are accessible online at . The 2006 American Animal Hospital Association's Canine Vaccine Guidelines are downloadable in PDF format at 2011 American Animal Hospital Association's Canine Vaccine Guidelines Veterinarian, Dr. Robert Rogers,has an excellent presentation on veterinary vaccines at October 1, 2002 DVM Newsletter article entitled, AVMA, AAHA to Release Vaccine Positions, July 1, 2003 DVM Newsletter article entitled, What Do We Tell Our Clients?, Developing thorough plan to educate staff on changing vaccine protocols essential for maintaining solid relationships with clients and ensuring quality care July 1, 2003, DVM Newsletter article, Developing Common Sense Strategies for Fiscal Responsibility: Using an interactive template to plan service protocol changes Animal Wellness Magazine Article Vol. 8 Issue 6, How Often Does he REALLY Need A Rabies Shot Animal Wellness Magazine - devoted to natural health in animals The Rabies Challenge Animal Wise Radio Interview Listen to Animal Wise (scroll down to The Rabies Challenge 12/9/07) The Vaccine Challenge Animal Talk Naturally Online Radio Show ? The Vaccine Challenge - Show #91 Rabies Prevention – United States, 1991 Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP), Center for Disease Control's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly March 22, 1991 / 40(RR03);1-19 "A fully vaccinated dog or cat is unlikely to become infected with rabies, although rare cases have been reported (48). In a nationwide study of rabies among dogs and cats in 1988, only one dog and two cats that were vaccinated contracted rabies (49). All three of these animals had received only single doses of vaccine; no documented vaccine failures occurred among dogs or cats that had received two vaccinations. "
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    AJs HumanA
    Very cool….thank you for this. Makes me want to look for more information on it. Speaking of the chase, AJ almost got a groundhog yesterday... Fortunately, that groundhog was smarter than AJ and hid under a storage container. I would imagine that had AJ been off lead, I'd still be trying to get him out from under there. :D
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    The following link will take you to an informative vaccine article covering the 2010 Safer Pet Vaccination Seminar with Drs. Jean Dodds and Ronald Schultz entitled Shot in the Dark: What to Know about Pet Vaccination Programs by Kim Campbell Thornton .
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    You're very welcome!