Eldorado does litter box train and they were always very successful at it when I visited..I know they line the outside of the box with newspaper too..so I would make sure to do that also so she's as familiar with the process as she can be. I would suggest if you can't get her to start using it for pooping soon to just get her a coat and start outside. The longer she goes without pooping where you want her to the harder it'll be when you need to change it. Bad habits develop fast. I wish I started Oakley outside right away versus litter training. He always would pee in it but he wouldn't poop in it. He got very used to pooping next to the box on the kitchen floor and to this day prefers going on hard surfaces. I know it's hard to imagine potty training outside in this weather but you might be better off in the long run.
I'm not against the litter box, I also have an eldorado pup; I just know the entire process would've been easier and more beneficial to is both if I braved the weather and did it in the first plAce
New to this forum san diego, ca
Hi all,
I have been a Basenji owner for the last 16+ years. I have my 4 & 5 th , before I go into them I would like to at least list my first 3 may they be running around happy with everyone else over the rainbow bridge. 1st was Sebastian a beautiful regal red & white male died of Fanconi complications at age 7. 2nd was Shanghai a total beautiful red & white female their long story on her but I think she passed away due to complications as well. Their came my 3rd my first Brindle Morpheus he was so mellow loving he died of complications due to Fanconi at age 11. His little sister still shrives and is healthy my 4th and my second brindle my 5th and their names are Shai is now 9 red & white female only 16 lbs & Mhotep my 1 year old gorgeous brindle male is 26 lbs. Anyway I live all over San Diego. From Encinitas to Rancho Bernardo. I hear there are get togethers and I have heard many stories of the one at Rancho Postal Humane Societies dog park. I would love to meet other B Mummies. & Daddies. Please email me snoopyslove@gmail.com. -
Wow! You've been through a lot! Welcome to the forum:)
I agree, you really have been through a lot. Hopefully your boy's sire and dam were DNA tested for Fanconi so that you never have to go through that again.
Welcome..so glad to have you onboard.
A big welcome to you and your basenjis. Have you had your current basenjis tested for Fanconi?
Welcome to the forum - what a shame that you've had such experiences with your previous Basenjis - I do hope that your current ones are well and will live a long and healthy life
Welcome to the Forums, Amber!! Glad you found a boy to join Shai in making more Basenji mischief.
Hi, I have two Basenjis and would like to know if any of the Basenjis owner in San Diego area (PB area) would like to meet up at the dog park. I live in
Pacific Beach. I normally take them to Capehart Dog Park or Mission Trails. -
Hi and welcome. I am East coast so can't meet up but would love to see your doggie pics and learn about you and them!