If you have more than one Dog Do they work together to get you up in the Morning?
It's the other way around at my house. I have to figure out how to get the dogs out of the bed.
Same here. They have to be shoved outside, then run back in, and go right back to bed. And if we make the bed before they get back in it, they un-make it to get back under the covers!
<big grin="">-Nicole</big>
Gemma gets up early, walks the house, and eventually comes in to get me up, then keeps bothering Shaye until she gets up. Shaye would sleep longer if it were not for Gemma being an early riser - and so would I!
It's the other way around at my house. I have to figure out how to get the dogs out of the bed.
Same here :) I can leave the house without them getting out of bed.. After me leaving BF showers and then it's his task to get the pups out of their bed :D
On a Saturday it can happen that I want to sleep late and then the are both standing against the bed to wake us :)
I get up at 4:00 AM to work out before work so I am the one who wakes everyone up.
If I get up real early, I get dirty looks from those who aren't under the covers, and the ones under the blankets will snark and make all kinds of noises if I disturb them. I like to gently play with the Basenjis under the covers and they get so mad at me! :p
My old Eskie likes to sleep in the back of my SUV during the day - he is so worried I might go somewhere and he'll be left behind. In the morning, he sleeps with one eye open watching me!
If I get up real early, I get dirty looks from those who aren't under the covers, and the ones under the blankets will snark and make all kinds of noises if I disturb them. I like to gently play with the Basenjis under the covers and they get so mad at me! :p
Must be because mine are pretty much puppies they get up earlier. If I try to wake or move Gemma, she gets growly and whiny in her sleep - sometimes I mess with her in the night just to hear her, it's so funny.:rolleyes:
Same here. They have to be shoved outside, then run back in, and go right back to bed. And if we make the bed before they get back in it, they un-make it to get back under the covers!
<big grin="">-Nicole</big>
<big grin="">
If I get distracted after I get them up and don't open the back door right away, Nemo usually decides it's not worth it and runs back to the bed and I'll have to get him up again!</big> -
My dogs don't sleep with me. They sleep out in the living room. As my guys are older its usually me waking them up. My girl (12yr old) will look at me like do I really have to go outside, you know we have a doggie door I can go whenever. But my husband gets up at 3:30 and leaves the house around 4:00am. He says the dogs sleep right through his leaving the house.
That's a good one – ha ha my Basenjis getting me up in the morning!
NO. Mine are both late sleepers who resent it when I have to get them up before 8 AM.
If I have to leave the house and so have to put them out to potty and get them fed early, there is much grumbling and complaining. They potty, they eat, they go back to bed.On a stay at home day, it is seldom before 8 AM that they even stir in their beds, and often closer to 9AM. And that is with the whole family up and moving about.
Mosly Indy and Lori just work together to get in trouble. They have figured out how to get the roll of toilet paper off the holder. Indy will grab the holder and lori the toilet paper and run in opposite directions. Good thing they are only about $1.50 to replace or I would have a pair of basenji skin boots!