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Dan's lost Basenji, Buddy

Lost and Found Basenjis
  • I just read this thread, whew, I am soooo glad Dan has Buddy back, safe and sound. What luck Buddy found great people to rescue him this time. A very quick happy ending!

  • Buddy says "hello and thanks to all".

  • i teach 4th grade and a student told me today miracles happen. another kid piped up a lot of disasters happen too. so i said you cannot have miracles unless you have disasters… all the kids shook their heads and agreed.... kind of thought provoking for 10 year olds... :)

  • @jonny:

    i teach 4th grade and a student told me today miracles happen. another kid piped up a lot of disasters happen too. so i said you cannot have miracles unless you have disasters… all the kids shook their heads and agreed.... kind of thought provoking for 10 year olds... :)

    I shared this story with Petra (Basenjimamma) that happened to me with my first Basenji. I'll post this little miracle as well.

    Talk about the dog Gods. When I moved into this house on Halloween 1983 I thought for sure I lost my first Basenji Nipper. It was my second to the last trip moving stuff and I brought Nipper. Then went back to get the last load. OK, no cell phones, no computers and no implanted chips. So I get back and the neighbor and my best friend who was sharing the place with me says "Nipper got out". I guess the kids left the gate open trick or treating. I was like "OH NO"! So me and my friend jump in our separate cars and go looking. Street after street, nothing, no kids have seen her and it's drissling rain out. I can't believe it my friend goes to the park, 7 blocks away and looks under parked cars and there she is shivering. I could not believe it! How did he ever know to do that? I think about that to this day. It's a miracle.

  • Pretty Buddy, looking content as all get out..

  • I looked all over the net for tattoers for dog in the houston area and you are right, they are hard…I mean impossible to come by..I might just have to open my own business..

  • Here's my gate solution. I went to the hardware store where I bought mega eye screws and a great big spring with hooks on each end. Ranchers use them on barn gates. I took the 2 eyescrews and screwed one on the fence and one on the gate. To those, I attached the two spring hooks. Now the gate "slams shut" on its own. For backup, I did the same with a heavy duty bungee cord. I'm going to do it to my front door as well. Now, Victoria is no longer tempted due to its high-powered "slam shut" feature.

  • Very smart and inexpensive..

  • @Maxie:

    Here's my gate solution. I went to the hardware store where I bought mega eye screws and a great big spring with hooks on each end. Ranchers use them on barn gates. I took the 2 eyescrews and screwed one on the fence and one on the gate. To those, I attached the two spring hooks. Now the gate "slams shut" on its own. For backup, I did the same with a heavy duty bungee cord. I'm going to do it to my front door as well. Now, Victoria is no longer tempted due to its high-powered "slam shut" feature.

    Thanks Leigh! I was thinking today about putting a spring on that gate. Did you get my email?

  • Love the pic of Buddy, Dan, he looks like butter wouldn't melt :D
    When i ferst got Benji he kept escaping through the front door when we answered it, me and the kids would franticaly hurtle after him as he got nearer and nearer to thye main road. One day his luck ran out and he was run over, my eldest son saw it happened and shouted "oh no !!"
    I am pleased to say he survived with a couple of head wounds and a scraped bottom. When he recovered he was very reluctant to go out a walk with just my son and i'm sure that because he heard James voice as he was hit he blamed him for the accident :D

  • Glad Buddy is back home safe and sound.
    Also thanks for all the reminders about chips and collars and gates!

  • @nobarkus:

    Thanks Leigh! I was thinking today about putting a spring on that gate. Did you get my email?

    Yes, I did get your email. And you can take a look at my gate spring contraptions when you come here for our dog visit. I look forward to seeing you and Buddy. Leigh (Maxie)

  • I need to echo everyone else here who has suggested making sure your dogs' microchips are still where you put them and working! Every year (and sometimes more often) I have the vet scan both of my boys to make sure this chip is still in the same place, active and displaying the correct ID #. I carry a dog tag on my keys that has their microchip numbers and the phone # to the company so I can immediately call and report them lost.

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