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So much sleep!

Basenji Training
  • I feel sorry for my little Gizmo. I feel like I am letting him down.

    He sleeps a lot, and I do know that puppies are supposed to, something like 16hours a day according to this book I am using. But as of the last 3 days, he just seems to sleep. Up for only 1 to 1 1/2 hour, then sleep for 2.

    I feel so bad when he goes to sleep.
    Like today for example; He woke up from a midday nap, I fed him. We played for 10 minutes a bit of tug and pull etc. Then took him outside, but it started to rain in just 4 minutes, he looked up at me and then dragged me right back to the door.

    So we went back inside, he sprinted around the "big room" in circles 3 times, I put him back into his room because I had to make myself some lunch. He watched me the whole time, a few whimpers here and there, and then attacked his bed for a little while and went to sleep again….and this was only 25 minutes after he woke up!

    I feel like I am boring the little guy to death! But I can't give him my attention 100% of his awake time or I could build up a serious dependancy towards me. I am hoping that in putting him in his room most of the time that he learns to entertain himself.

    Or should I just thank the Basenji gods for giving me a B that can sleep a lot, and just let him?

  • Thank the basenji gods ;)…

    Mine didn't seem to sleep as much as that during the day, but would pretty much sack out for the whole night...but they are all different and I wouldn't worry about it. Also in my case, I have 2 adult basenjis to wear her out and keep her occupied, so she fought sleep because she didn't seem to want to miss out on play with them. In a couple of weeks, you'll be wishing he would sleep more!!! Ha, ha.

    I think you are going about it the right way - if you can't watch him, his crate is the best/safest place for him. He sounds like he is adjusting to it well.

    The only thing I might be careful of is letting him be the boss about coming back in the house in rain/bad weather when outside for potty. You'll read many stories on here about basenjis that won't go out in the rain and many times that happens because they were allowed that when they were young. Just my opinion.

  • Ah, point taken. I will indeed be more strict when it comes to the rain. I guess I gave in quickly because I too hate the rain…haha! It will be a learning experience for the both of us! :)

  • As a mother of two 2 legged and three 4 legged kids, I would thank the gods for the little sleep all my kiddos one point they slept more, and then I was very eager to get them back up..I wish I would've known..take advantage of the time and treasure his awake time with quality play and rough housing time..which it sounds like y'all are doing just great on. He sounds adorable, and I know it is hard to "just let em be" when they sleep, but he will be more awake as he gets older.
    I ditto Renault1 on the rain, better make a firm statement about it know when he is easier to impress a Swede, I know how much rain Sweden and Norway gets at times, so getting him used to rain as soon as possible, is a good thing.

  • @NerdyDogOwner:

    I feel like I am boring the little guy to death! But I can't give him my attention 100% of his awake time or I could build up a serious dependancy towards me. I am hoping that in putting him in his room most of the time that he learns to entertain himself.

    Though you do want him to learn to be okay by himself, I would hope that most of his time is not by himself. This is an important socialization period so you want to make sure that he is being exposed to things like rain, people, new places, new toys, etc so that he learns that the world is full of diversity and that is normal. It should be part of his routine to spend time by himself but there needs to be balance.

  • No no, he is not alone in that sense of the word. Just not entertained by me.

    He has his own room, and I have his crate blocking the door entrance with the crate door open from his side. So the crate is in the living room were he can see me. That way he can be alone and play in his room, and freely walk into the crate to see me when he wishes.
    Don't know if I explained that correctly. Do you see what I have done here?

    I am home 100% of the time, taking classes via the internet.

    I just make sure he has his "space". Me being home all the time creates a very high chance he will develop separation anxiety.

    Home alone training I have started doing VERY slowly. Like when I shower, take out the trash, or have to run across the street to do some shopping (which I only do when he is sleeping just in case I take longer than I expect).

  • I do understand what you are saying but it is different having you home versus not. Again, it is about balance. You don't want to have him spend so much time by himself that he feels you are not a necessary but you want him to learn that when you are not around the world isn't ending.

  • @lvoss:

    Though you do want him to learn to be okay by himself, I would hope that most of his time is not by himself. This is an important socialization period so you want to make sure that he is being exposed to things like rain, people, new places, new toys, etc so that he learns that the world is full of diversity and that is normal. It should be part of his routine to spend time by himself but there needs to be balance.

    This is what has worked for all my Basenjis. I try to take them everywhere I can and expose them to as much experience as possible. Makes for a secure and calm Basenji. I always take them on a different walk each time or put em in the truck and go some where. I took Buddy hiking in the hills last weekend and we were on a thin trail and a girl came the opposite direction on a horse and Buddy started to freak out at that huge animal. I just stooped down and held him calmly and he calmed down and that is the experience I was looking for.

  • When Jaycee came home like newborn she sleep and eat and sleep and play and sleep. She even had a bed time she was ready for bed at night. After few weeks she was up a little more and longer and longer. I agree about the rain it's hard enough as it is without them telling you no way am I going out. Big umbrella. Have fun little one will be awake and into everything and you will be wishing for sleep.

    Rita Jean

  • Both of my Basenjis - aged 4 and 2 – sleep ALL THE TIME. If they are not actively playing, they are napping. They go to bed between 10 and 11 PM, and unless I have someplace to go in the morning, I just open their crate in the morning and they usually come out around 9 AM.
    They'll go out to potty, come in and eat, and within half an hour or so are in their chairs napping. If the weather is good, they'll head out to sleep in the yard where they will remain for hours on end.
    They love to sleep!


12 Sept 2009, 18:21

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