What book is this?
my basenji book from South Africa finally arrived, and i have to rave about it..It's called Call of the Marsh..a story of a young couple raising pet basenjis in the 1950s in Africa, written as a journal. I cant say enough for this wonderful loving and expressive book. :)
Felakuti, That books sounds very interesting and wonderful. Were did your husband find it? I would love to get a copy, but can't seem to find it online.
Other books with basenjis that you may not know about:
(short stories, one with a basenji)And I got Call of the March years ago. Loved it. Don't remember where I got it from, but I do know I spent a lot of money on postage.
Thanks, I will see if I can track down these books.
Have any of you read "Candle" by Sally Ann SMith? what a sweet story, will give you a lump in your throat…my husband ordered Call of the Marsh by Jill Wylie, a copy coming from South Africa. can hardly wait to read it.
I gave a look on internet as to buy the book Call of the Marsh, and found that its so expensive!!! Or my eyes have gone crossed or i read the price wrong. I also found it second hand costing 33.00 euro. Now that is a fortune!!! Isnt it a paperback???
My Call of the Marsh book is hardback; Candle is paper back. It seems Call was about the regular going rate for hardbacks, but shipping (from SAfrica) was pricey. See if you can get together with other basenji fanciers and order several to split the shipping costs.
Well that would be simple if i lived in England or The States where english is spoken.
Im here!! In South Italy agilebasenji, english is my mother language as i was born in the Uk…Thats why i choose english books, and also there isnt a vaste choice to choose from in italian books at all!!! Sigh.sigh!!! :( -
the link of that gothic basenji book doesnt work :( it sounded very interesting :(