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I have to place a great boy

Basenjis For Sale or Wanted
  • What is your location?

  • Ansel is living in Indianapolis. Write to me and I can tell you all about him.

    I do not want to deal with basenji rescue for my own personal reasons. I prefer talking to people directly or people my origional breeder introduces me to. Ansel is far to special for me to just let him fly into the wind. He was born into my hands!! Believe me if Korea would be a good environment for him, he would be here. Unfortunately (and it kills me) I just have to face the fact that it would be horrible for him. As much as I want to be selfish and have him, the best thing for me to do is find him a good family for the next 10+ years of his life.

  • Will the breeder not take him back? Just wondering.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    Will the breeder not take him back? Just wondering.

    In a complicated story, I was in fact the breeder.

    Believe me, I do not want to let Ansel go, but I cannot be selfish, as his life would be miserable in Korea. I thought this forum would be a good place to find him a new home, where he can be happy, and have access to running space. My original breeder is trying to help me, as he is a wonderful person, and breeds amazing dogs.

  • If we could arrange a long distance transport, in a heartbeat I would be glad to hold him for you. He would be a wonderful addition to my other 2 Bs. If this would be an option for you, let me know.


  • What a wonderful thing - to offer to hold someone's dog while they are overseas!! Briz, I have read that there are orgs that will foster a dog for service members overseas. Have you thought about exploring this option or are you worried about being sent overseas after your current tour is up?

  • We could certainly help out as well as far as fostering while you are away. we foster for BRAT but we are free of fosters now. You can contact me via the message board or email @ Or we can help get him to gneigum.

  • Just wondering - has anyone been able to help Briz with this?

  • I have contacted dash, I am awaiting his reply. I really appreciate the support!!!


  • Do let us know what you find out.

  • Just wanted you to know we will be picking Ansel up Memorial weekend. He will be a great addition to our family. My husband made me promise this is the last one. :) I think 2 is a good number. Our son is so excited. We think we can make Ansel a great home. We already love him!

  • Glad to know that this is going to all work out well. Good deal.


  • Hi jonny b.

    I am ansels foster mom- we talked on email. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything, now or once you have him. I sure am going to miss him, he is a great boy!

  • Thank you so much. Dash thought it might be nice to let Briz know how things are turning out for Ansel. Just wanted him to know we are going to do the best to make him a happy guy! :) I am sure I will have questions!Thanks!!

  • I am happy to pass on any information about Ansel. This has been the hardest decision for me to make. I just know that being with a family suits Ansels life style. He is such a happy dog, and well behaved. He does do some fetching, and if you look at my photo, he loves to ride on your back. I miss him everyday, but I cannot believe that my life is the best one for him. I am just too busy, and living in a country where dogparks are just not available, and apartment life is the norm. I am sure he will be happy. If I could ask only one favor. Occasionally send me a photo. It is the only self=serving thing I am asking. I just want to remind myself I did the right thing! Having seen a dog born, and then raising him, and going through many good and bad times together… well I just will never forget Ansel Adams (pretty as a picture)... my boy. I am sure he will bring you great pleasure, and I am sure that the life he will lead in your care will surpass what I can currently provide him. Thank you to everyone who helped Ansel. He is really amazing, and I am wagging my tail knowing he is going to be getting all of the attention I would give him, and much more. I can't wait for your son to meet him!!!!!!!!


  • Brandon, it's so great to hear of someone taking the time to find the right situation for a pet for which they can no longer do what's best. Please accept my pat-on-the-back for doing what's right and not just dropping him off somewhere.

  • My daughter and I are so excited to pick him up. There will be many pictures often. He has had a lot of good things said about him and we are so excited to make him happy. We will let you know how things go and please ask any time you get lonely. We will be happy to update more often if you like! Thank you for letting us be a part of his life.
    Pictures and info soon!

  • How wonderful to hear of another 'happy ending'..though bittersweet for Brandon. It is very selfless to put Ansel's needs before your own. Someday when the time is right, I'm sure another wonderful dog will come into your life. And until then, you will be able to follow Ansel's life, as this is an "open adoption." Kudos to everyone involved in helping a good thing happen.

  • This is about the happiest ending you can have in this situation. I think you all make this forum a special place.

  • Here are a few from my phone to hold you over until he gets to his new family. I am so happy I got to be part of Ansels journey to his new home. It was a pleasure having him. He was such a sweet dog, so laid back and up for anything! A good cuddler too! Click the picture to make it bigger- not sure why they are so small!


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