I don't know if she's destructive at night or not… I mean, the second night we left her out for most of the night, and she eventually went to sleep, but I got up really early cuz I was nervous about it... So... I don't know!!! We've been "doggie proofing" the room, but she has gnawed on our couch and on blankets, and obviously we have our bed in our room :), so I guess that's the main thing she could get other than the fact that our air purifier is plugged in where she could get to the cord. We've been thinking about how to remedy that... I just need to get sleep or I get migraines, so I can't have a situation where I never get normal sleep, ya' know? It's so hard and sad to get her in the crate, though!!! Thanks for any input!!!
I have never had one of my dogs be destructful (?) while they were supposed to be sleeping in the bed. They usually jump up on the bed, get under the covers, and sleep thru the night. In fact, they usually want to sleep much longer than the humans are allowed to.
Usually the destruction happens because either they are bored, or are frustrated that they can't get to what they want…when they are happy to be with you, and/or sleeping, none of the above apply
I would definitely try it, and see how it goes.