Miles: A Rescue
Great video, I love to watch them shake. It starts at their head and finishes at the tail, ears flapping all the way!!!:)
Beautiful pictures, looks like Miles and Lexi are "enjoying" the snow. I love their sweaters!!!:D
We took the kids hiking today… :) They had such a good time!
Lexi in a tree.
Miles makes his own sticks. He likes them fresh.
Get that stick!
Go Lezzie Go!
Lexi actually retrieves!
She swims!
Miles does not like the water… Nor does he like getting his bum dirty in the mud.
Playing at the Potomac…
What did you hear??
Cute little Jam
Little Jam in the glen.
Sniff sniff sniff…
My kids! :)
Sweet rescued boy.
Great shots…thanks for sharing.
Was the water cold? -
You know… it often occured to me that perhaps you don't know that I inter-change Miles's name. He has many nicknames. When we first got him, he was all silly and would do these crazy acrobatics... he'd come running at you and then do a front roll right into you. It was the funniest thing. So odd and so amusing!! So I called him "Floppy Ham Man" for a while. That was shortened to "Ham". When DH and I went on vacation to the Dominican Republic a year or so ago, we found it amusing that all the food items in the dining area were incorrectly translated to English. Everywhere there should have been an "H", they had a "J". So for breakfast you could have "Jam and Eggs" instead of "Ham and Eggs". Anyways, it was really cute. So when we came home, Miles's nickname then became "Jam". And then it became "Little Jam"-- but pronounced more like "Yiddo Jam". I dunno... we're weird I suppose. I swear we have our own language that we talk to the dogs in...LOL!!! Tell me I'm not alone!! :)