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Lukura Amisi

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • @LiveWWSD:

    It's an experience seeing them in tribal settings living as the little hunters they are. :)

    I would LOOOVE that. Tell me you took pictures…

  • @LiveWWSD:

    I know what was I thinking not flooding the US with cute little African pups. :D

    It's an experience seeing them in tribal settings living as the little hunters they are. :)

    Someone here posted a link a while ago to photos from the last trip over to bring puppies back – if I had a minute more I could think of where the link would be.

    Anyway, it was so neat to see photos of them running loose in the village and hanging with the children.
    The people there must be baffled as to why we get so excited about them, LOL.

    You are very lucky, indeed!

  • @LiveWWSD:

    Very nice looking boy… I love the Lukuru Basenjis as they are of the kind I see when I have traveled with my Father for medical work in the DRC. I don't see the pale red and whites so much here in the that because breeders wanted a darker red?

    Quote from the 1943 AKC breed standard under color:

    "Chestnut with white points and tail tip; also black and white; and black, tan and white; red and white; faun and white."

    By listing chestnut, red, and faun as three seperate colors, it stands to reason that Basenjis came in many shades of "brown". Breeders apparently liked the red the best and this is the color that was selected for. Even today though Basenjis do vary in shades though not as dramatic towards each end of the spectrum.

    According to Dr. Jo, the owner and importer of Amisi, Basenjis in the Lukuru region where Amisi came from come in a variety of "brown" shades much as the early founding dogs. To me, Amisi is probably the color once described as "faun". FWIW, I think he's gorgeous. :)

  • @mauigirl:

    I would LOOOVE that. Tell me you took pictures…

    My father did I believe… I didn't take a camera with me.. He is in Egypt at the moment, but I will ask him when he is back in the states for some pics. :)

  • Beautiful boy!!!

  • I am late replying to this.. but I have to tell you, this boy is lovely.
    His ears actually are not set back to far. They are large [so what] but nicely hooded and when he chooses to put them up when alert, they are quite high with tons of wrinkle.
    He's been DNAd and he is a red/white… though his color is like that of my full AF that I had in Cali last year, what I called a 'blonde' though it is a tad darker along his spine, so I have a feeling the shade may chage throughout the year, as did my boys coat!

    The pictures we took could have been tons better if he were table trained, but he is not, so he wasn't into having his rear pulled out much... then he would pull back [though hard to tell from the photos].
    Our standard calls for a strong pastern, which Amisi's are… they are not too straight.

    If I were to fault him, I would say that his rear moves too wide.
    I'd like smaller ears. I'd like a little more angles front and rear... though he is more than adequate with what he has, AND they are well-proportioned.
    I personally do not mind his coat color, but that is because his coat is lovely, despite the lighter color.
    Normally, when I see coats of this color, they are coarse with lots of guard hairs, and just plaind bad coats.
    Amisi's coat is nothing like that kind of coat!

    His sidegait, as you can see, is stunning.....
    And such great pictures [those are my pictures that Pat posted] show him off as the lovely boy that he is.

  • Yup, sorry Kathy, should have given you credit for the pictures…. and I am really glad to hear about his coat... that you can't tell from the pictures....

  • Kathy, is he here in Oregon with you at this time?

  • @LiveWWSD:

    Kathy, is he here in Oregon with you at this time?

    Not Kathy, but he is not in Oregon, right now he is in Texas with his owner and then on their way to Ohio (Dr. Jo is moving to Ohio)

  • I know that you posted he had his evaluation in WA Pat. So what is his next step in moving towards AKC registration in January?

  • @LiveWWSD:

    I know that you posted he had his evaluation in WA Pat. So what is his next step in moving towards AKC registration in January?

    Now the dogs that are evaluated will be grouped by their area (ie: Avongara, Lukura, etc) and BCOA members will vote on accepting the dogs.

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