I have to say that I agree with Pat & Lisa on this. If people didn't do their research in the first place about the breed and purchased from a BYB or pet store and never asked about health testing or researched the "breeder" they got their dog from, what makes anyone think that they will look up anything about health care about a basenji or know anything about Fanconi, how to test for it or how to care for it. If they don't get the real information here, where do you propose they get it? A sticky/link isn't enough.
The problem with society today is that is everything is about immediate gratification and being disposable. What would be the reasons that someone doesn't spend time researching the breed…they want the dog immediately. And what happens if the animal gets sick...they give the dog up to a shelter. The Fanconi test/result is important so the dog can get proper early care...not so they will get "rid" of their dog.
The only problem I have with any of the discussions that go on relative to breeding, is when members here who aren't breeders start "grilling" someone..."what does your dog have to offer"...that sort of thing (sometimes worded nicer). IMHO they are basically "parroting" what they've heard the breeders say without having anything to back it up with and should leave the breeding questions/advice to the breeders to answer.
Maybe the "breeder section" of the forum should have a disclaimer of "enter at your own risk". And I do also agree, that people come here looking to have their ideas/wants validated and it will be doing this community a great disservice if we have to "censor" our comments to only "be nice" and not truthful.