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Basenji Talk
  • i have a 8 years old female basenji. She has always had the only child syndrome.
    A couple of days ago i brought home a 4 years old male. I need help in getting them to get along….any tips would be great

  • you need to give them time… to adjust... did you introduce them in a "netural" place?.... and you need to make sure that your girl understands that she is not being replaced....
    You need to take them on walks together.. and make sure that you feed them separate... and you need to treat the bitch as the "top" dog

  • No, they werent introduce in Neutral place when i brought him home. But, i have left Henna (my female) at breeders whenever we went away. Her and Rosie (male) got along really well. Thats one of the reasons i brought him home. What u r saying is the she should keep getting the attention, and getting the first priority as before. We have been trying to accmodate him to make him fit well. How about the sleeping arrangements…should the sleep in the same room or seprate?

  • Yes, she should get first priority… I would leave them in the same room to sleep

    What exactly is/are they going that concerns you?

  • They are fine when we go for walks. She just growls every time he tries to do something especially when it comes to her house, her room, her bed, her backyard, our friends, and us. I guess thats normal. There are small fights during the day. Why does she always smell his behind after every time she growls at him? I really hope they along and start playing together soon:)

  • @Henna420:

    They are fine when we go for walks. She just growls every time he tries to do something especially when it comes to her house, her room, her bed, her backyard, our friends, and us. I guess thats normal. There are small fights during the day. Why does she always smell his behind after every time she growls at him? I really hope they along and start playing together soon:)

    That is normal…. those are "her" things until she decides to share them. And it takes a few weeks till they accept another in the home....

  • Hey listen, i really want to thank you for taking time out to help me and show me the light:) They seem to being getting along just fine. They played together last night for the first time. Also, my girl has never been good with other dogs. When i take her to the dog park, some other dog owners would leave. She was getting a bad name for fighting and having bad attitude. For some reason, ever since Rosie came home, she hasn't picked a fight with any other dog at the park. So, that in itself is a big bonus.
    Thanks again

  • Glad to hear all is going well… you still will have good days and bad with all "children".... Don't know if her good behavior at the dog park will continue, enjoy it for now...

  • Hi. Its been a few weeks but things have taken a different turn. Everything is great when we step out the house. They walk side by side…rubbing against each other....but when we enter the house...its back to fighting. IM SURE THERE IS SOMETHING WE ARE DOING THAT TRIGGERS IT...please give me advice to what we should do?

  • What kind of fighting? Does it occur at a certain time (ie…cooking dinner, significant other comes home, etc..) and/or more often in a certain place in the house (near a dog toy basket, family room) Do they run together in a fenced yard and tussle?

  • That would be my questions… is it really fighting? Is anyone getting hurt? Is it over toys/food? Or is it just noise?...

  • I agree Tanza. Both of mine are extremely vocal at play sometimes (not always) but I can always tell when one or the other steps over the line by the change in octave of their voices. I race to intervene but there has never been any blood drawn and the 2 of them have already stood off from each other, looking in opposite directions. Their backs may still be burred up, but it's like they have agreed to disagree and let it go. They've lived together peacefully now for almost 6 years, but once a year (at the most) this seems to happen.

    I must say though, when this voice change happens, it scares the crap out of me as it sounds as if they're trying to kill each other:mad:

  • @snorky998:

    What kind of fighting? Does it occur at a certain time (ie…cooking dinner, significant other comes home, etc..) and/or more often in a certain place in the house (near a dog toy basket, family room) Do they run together in a fenced yard and tussle?

    Ditto here with the line of questioning…I swear, my Duke and Daisy have a tussle almost everyday. It happens most when they come in the house after they've been crated (separately) during the day when no one is home. Then it can happen after my son comes home from school or husband comes home from work or when I prepare their meals. It seems to me that both vie to being 1st to being "number 1". I think it's natural behavior - like siblings for attention. At our home, we have learned to let them sort it out, although sometimes we have resorted to yelling "KNOCK IT OFF!" because we can't hear ourselves think... (it's so crazy) Sometimes if they've been at it chasing and verbalizing, we laugh it off that we have "such loving doggies". Having more than one dog - you have to realize they have their own way of communicating with each other that we humans are not always able to decifer. Good luck getting used to them both.

    Editing this: Also, just as it's happening - they're bickering while I'm making our family dinner. Who knows why, they just go at it with each other. (no blood, but alot of noise and body action)

  • Well, mine is very close to me so when i come home, doesnt like him going to her room, feeding (eventhough they r fed seperatly but she will finish hers then go for him), sometimes just him walking around the house. We do try to stop her from grawling. They both get affection from us. I dont dont know what to do or how long does it take for them to start getting along….YESTERDAY I FED HER AND PUT HER OUTSIDE. SHE SAT BY THE SLIDING DOOR AND WHEN HE CAME UP FROM FINISHING HIS FOOD...SHE LITERALLY ATTACKED THE DOOR FROM OUTSIDE AND HIM FROM INSIDE.

  • Again what do you mean by atacking.. My ltwo dound like they are tearig eachother to bits at times, but they don't bite eachother to draw blood. Sometimes they just are done dealing with eachother and need to let the other one know that. So is their skin damage to either one?…. As for how long does it take to get along, some dogs never do... If you could describe IN DETAIL the "Atacking" we would have a better Idea of what suggestions to give you

  • Also, you might invest in crates for feeding, if you don't have crates already… it is really best to separate them and crates give the the opportunity to eat without distraction.... and when they are both done, you can let both out....

  • Well, he bit her the second or third day he was here. I dont think she is gotten over that. He is submissive but strong. She is agressive but not as strong phyisically. Yesterday they were playing with a toy and she bit him. He was hurt. In other words, they have drawn blood.

  • I can say I've never tried to get two bs together in the same house so listen to the breeders (or anyone who's integrated bs in a pack) for specifics on that.

    I have however integrated several shelter dogs together before my current b boy (I'm in an apartment now so I can't have a pack of 4 dogs running about the acreage - that and I no longer have acreage). From that experience, especially with older dogs who may have previous baggage, patience and consistency are key. If you had a routine you kept with the first dog, try to keep it and work the new dog into it. Seperate feeding (in crates if need be) is also a good idea to stave off fights during meal times. You might also want to get a few new neutral toys that are not "hers" and introduce the toys to them both. She may in time share her toys but it may be easier to put away her familiar toys for now and go with some new neutral ones. Additionally, walking as a pack is a big deal for them and not only does it burn off energy (that can't then be used for fighting) but you establish your leadership by controlling the walk. They will be less likely to fight and move forward at the same time. If your b is anything like mine (super high energy cuz my b is 9 months old:) ), you may need to go faster at first. I.e. If you usually walk, start with a brief run on the leash or rollerblade or bike with the b girl, then walk your girl with the newbie. If he is more submissive, then tire her out a bit and then work them together.

    You can also always keep their leashes on while they are in the house. This gives you easier access to them and more control so you can stop a fight sooner.

    Hope these tips help.

  • Hmmm….we do all that or at least we try. I take them for walks. I control the walk, i do running and walking fast. I give mine the affection she needs but she is more and more staying away from me, not wanting that attention??? She was always very close to me. She would sit with me, follow me around, sit in my lap, sit in front of me so i could pet her....but that is all changing. He does it now and she doesnt seem to care much??? My wife made a comment today saying that she has aged since we have gotten him. I agree. She looks different. How do u know that uar dogs are happy? Are there any signs? I really want it to work. We are tying our best. He is eight and not neutred....does that have anything to do with it?


    Just a thought........Do you think, in this circumstance, she might have felt she was missing out on something by being excluded from the males feeding time? If they have to have separate feeding times could you keep her on a short leash with you giving praise and dinner kibble as a treat for good behavior while he eats?

    From what I understand "the house" is her territory (as she sees it) and you are inside the house (also her territory). Do you think it would make a difference if she was in the house and he was fed outside? If separate kennels are not an option so that they are fed at the same time, how about an area where you could use a toddler gate? Just remember to remove both dinner bowls before you re-introduce the 2 of them!!

    I'm just a pet owner with no professional knowledge, so I may be way off base here. Perhaps others with introduction experience specific to your case will chime in again. Good luck and keep us posted as you begin to try to re-gain your alpha position in the house.:)

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    @ELERICKSON40: Yes I agree. She is quite the mighty hunter and her nose is to the ground always!! Alot of times when she is digging in the couches and chairs she is trying to bury a bone. She will stuff a bone into the corner and actually take her nose and push imaginary dirt?? over the bone. It makes us laugh!! Yea, my B does the same, the first time I saw this I was so intriged, they are so smart. It is a funny thing to watch, Sahara will take a bone around the house in her mouth for the perfect place to bury it. If she can't find a place she is happy with she will prance around whinning the sadest noise like she is so sad. I actually pitch in and help her find a place, and she will most of the time agree on the place, she checks it out and then walks off. These dogs spoil you for any other breed, they are the best.
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    Basenji Talk
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