If you don't know "Snopes", you should
I just got one of those informational chain e-mail things. I go straight to http://www.snopes.com when I get one of these. What they do is verify the accuracy of the information and if they find conflicting or supplemental information they cite their sources in a bibliography. I know it would be inappropriate to send this link to the person who sent me the chain e-mail but I need to tell SOMEONE about Snopes. Because it's a great resource. I don't have time to do that much research into chain e-mails, but they do, and I think they do a pretty good job. Often times you'll find out that the chain e-mail isn't worth forwarding.
I always send the snopes link to the person who sent me the chain email. Unless it's my mother in law (and it usually is - sigh). Then I just suck it up, but at least i know. :rolleyes:
Very true Anne. See MIL ref above ;)
What is it with MILs and chain forwards? I really have no interest in any of them, but DHs mom keeps sending them. DH's stepmother actually never emails us a letter….only forwards......sometimes 4 or 5 a day.