Maya Went To Her First Show!
wrote on 29 Mar 2009, 16:46 last edited by
Maya had her first proper day out at a show today. Not competing, obviously, as she's too young, but she attended "not for competition" to have a bit of experience of shows.
It was a busy show, held at an equestrian centre so first interesting experience - walking on the sandy surface :rolleyes: And there were a LOT of dogs and people there. Obviously, i expected little Maya to be a bit apprehensive, maybe a little bit nervous of all the dogs and people. Sticking around me and my other dogs, that would be perfectly normal…. But not my Maya!
She was saying hello to all the dogs (she LOVES St Bernards :D) and if the owners allowed it she even had a play with a few (she is now sand coloured on her white bits lol). And she kepts trying to get every person who went past her to talk to her - on her hind legs dancing infront of them! I dont think anyone could resist stopping and giving her some attention :D
We took the opportunity of having some ring practice in the proper show environment when one of the rings became empty. I stood her on the table (she stood beautifully) and then trotted her around the ring a few times... And i swear, all eyes around the ring were on my Maya as she strutted her stuff :p EVERYONE stopped to look at her when she was trotting around. And several people came over to ask about her and to tell me how gorgeous she is (Well, duh!!!lol) so that was really nice! And she even let a few of them have a cuddle!!
So all in all, first show experience was very positive for all of us. Maya is exhausted, flat out across the back of the sofa behind my neck lol Bless her!
wrote on 29 Mar 2009, 17:09 last edited by
Excellent!!! Congrats on yours & Maya's great experience! :D:D
I get to take my (now) 15wk pup to her first shows the 2nd week of April (as a visitor of course - 4 days of shows)…I can't wait. :)
wrote on 29 Mar 2009, 18:29 last edited by
Good to hear she had such a great time! Have you already got a real show planned for her?
wrote on 29 Mar 2009, 18:30 last edited by
It sounds like a great day for you both!
wrote on 29 Mar 2009, 18:32 last edited by
Good to hear she had such a great time! Have you already got a real show planned for her?
Yes, her first show is in June, the day after she turns 6 months :D
Thanks for the replies! Little Maya is still fast asleep on the sofa :rolleyes:
wrote on 30 Mar 2009, 14:19 last edited by
. I stood her on the table (she stood beautifully) and then trotted her around the ring a few times… And i swear, all eyes around the ring were on my Maya as she strutted her stuff.
Good for Maya - she is a beautiful little girl - I'm sure she will do the breed proud in her shows.
wrote on 31 Mar 2009, 08:59 last edited by
Very nice to have an expieriece like this one!!!
She seems to like it!!! congrats!!!!
Did you make some pics??
wrote on 31 Mar 2009, 09:27 last edited by
Sorry, no pics at the show as i hadn't taken my camera :(
I did just post some of her taken last night :D