Fanconi Test Results
I think it is important to stress for the long term good of the breed the power of the test is that no AFFECTED need ever be born. In order to maintain gene diversity and avoid increasing the incidence of other inherited disorders it is important the Carriers are not thrown out in a breeding program. Carriers can be responsibly bred to Clears to preserve gene diversity and produce dogs that will be healthy. Even an affected male can be bred to a Clear female and will produce no affected puppies. It is NOT recommended that Affected females be bred because the stress of pregnancy will only compound the hardship that Fanconi has on the body.
I should state that if he was a carrier - I still would have looked for a female to lease. He does have some of the things that we don't see much of anymore in basenjis. 1 being small hooded ears and some spring of rib - body without being overdone but certainly not the over refined look that some of the males in the ring are looking like at maturity. I would like to ensure that those features are around for others should they need to introduce some of that to their breeding programs - Still may never breed again but nice to know the possibilities that are open based on that test.
I think it is important to stress for the long term good of the breed the power of the test is that no AFFECTED need ever be born. In order to maintain gene diversity and avoid increasing the incidence of other inherited disorders it is important the Carriers are not thrown out in a breeding program. Carriers can be responsibly bred to Clears to preserve gene diversity and produce dogs that will be healthy. Even an affected male can be bred to a Clear female and will produce no affected puppies. It is NOT recommended that Affected females be bred because the stress of pregnancy will only compound the hardship that Fanconi has on the body.
AMEN… stand up and cheer!!!! lvoss is right on.... and hit the nail on the head... "responsibly bred"!!!!
Hard to find a view since we are all inclined to keep show pix. If you are looking for what I mean - it is that too many adult dogs look like immature puppies - some almost too narrow in the front and no 'spring of rib' - These dogs in African needed to have some lung capacity and the lungs need a place to be - I am not advocating heavy and overweight dogs - but I do like to see some front fill, chest and a nice moderate curve around a developed rib cage.