Microchip ?
I while back I remember hearing something about cancer linked to microchips. When I saw your comment I did a quick google search and turned up this article:
I haven't looked into this much myself, so I don't know if these reports are accurate or not. It might be worth your while to have a conversation with a vet you trust. The whole "AntiChip" campaign seems to be aligned with fighting against putting chips in people, but Basenji's are "people" too!
Well, since I know a lot of chipped dogs, and the two I've known who've had cancer were not chipped {One of those was my own :( }, but I've known several people who've had dogs that "went missing" and never came home, and because, unless I missed something, this was just one study done by the anti-chip people, I think I'd still risk the chip.
Sometimes you just have to weigh the pros/cons and percentages and go from there.
I also remember seeing a thread about the cancer/microchip dilemma and I though that there was no real link between the two. I got Medjai chipped at petsmart (banfield) and I don't remember the price, but they use two different chips because there are two different frequencies to make sure my bases are all covered.
Thanks i will ask about it when i take them to the vet I'm pretty sure the base i am going to wants them all microchiped and i have seem alot of dogs around here that are microchipped and all are heathly so i would rather take the chance excelly where where all moving somewhere that we don't know the area i would feel safer :)
I just had EL D chipped at the vet's office - it cost maybe $50 at most but you also have to pay another $15 to get it registered. Just having the chip doesn't help if its not registered with HomeAgain or whomever.
So many shelters and vet offices know about this and check strays brougth in that I think it is worthwhile. EL D was also tatooed by the breeder but the tatoo is hard to read. Of course if a lost dog is picked up by someone who just takes it home it won't make any difference. -
All our critters are microchipped. Our vet charges $25 for the chip/insert fee, and then it's another $12 to register with the AKC CAR program. Well worth it in my book.
Talk to the vet. Normally they (or the local human society) will micro-chip your dogs. Also, call the local shelters and see which chips they scan for. More shelters are very good about having "universal" scanners (or more than one scanner type) but to be on the safe side, see which chips they regularly scan for and then find that particular chip. It does no good to have your animal chipped if the local shelters/vets can't read it.
My vet charged $35 for chipping when I had the pups done last year. It just depends on where you get it done. There are also microchip clinics offered at shows sometimes which usually offer a good deal. I got Nicky's done for free that way back when microchips were still relatively new and they were trying to get people to do it.