New Puppy!!!
wrote on 19 Jan 2008, 14:43 last edited by
So sweet and adorable! I forget…does she have a name yet?
wrote on 19 Jan 2008, 15:59 last edited by
What did Rocky think of her?… and ggg... she needs her nails trimmed... :-)
lol we just got back from the vet and he clipped her nails :D
Rocky was hesitant at first.. but he warmed up to her.. they play.. although she cant jump around like him.. yet.. lol
and her name is Mia.
wrote on 19 Jan 2008, 16:19 last edited by
That's great… but be prepare for "noise", until you have more then one you can't image the kinds of noise that comes from them.... Rocky will have fun with his new little sister, Mia....
How did she do on the plane ride?.... I don't fly my dogs unless they can go in the cabin with me... in a sherpa... -
wrote on 19 Jan 2008, 16:26 last edited by
when we got her… she was a little shakey.. but i was there as soon as they wheeled her in, there were 3 other dogs in kennels on a cart with her.. a beagle, pug, and a white fluffy thing (lol) so she wasnt the only dog.. but after like 3 minutes we had her in the car and i let her out.. after holding her for a few minutes she stopped shaking and was playing with me and the toys i brought for the ride :) she's been fine ever since.
wrote on 19 Jan 2008, 16:30 last edited by
She is adorable!!! Now I am even more excited to get our pup this week :)
wrote on 19 Jan 2008, 17:03 last edited by
She looks like my Sahara when I got her, so small. I can't believe she was ever that small, haha!! I love the name, seems to suit her, and by the way, I also love that 3rd pic, I would have to frame that one with a black mat.
wrote on 19 Jan 2008, 19:52 last edited by
She is darling! Enjoy her, and I'm betting that in about 2 weeks Rocky will have adopted her, and they will be best buddies.
Anne in Tampa
wrote on 19 Jan 2008, 22:10 last edited by
She is darling! Enjoy her, and I'm betting that in about 2 weeks Rocky will have adopted her, and they will be best buddies.
Anne in Tampa
At least "inbetween" getting chewed on with those little razor blades for teeth:p
wrote on 19 Jan 2008, 23:56 last edited by
She is so beautiful. I get my little girl on the 26th. It's so hard to wait! I was just watching my one year old boy trying to play with the cat today. I can hardly wait to see how he reacts to having a new little sister to play with.
wrote on 20 Jan 2008, 17:01 last edited by
Aren't puppies so cute :) Then they grow up :D
wrote on 20 Jan 2008, 17:18 last edited by
She is sooooooo cute!!!!! How is Rocky behaving with her? He looks very calm with her in the pictures.
wrote on 20 Jan 2008, 17:34 last edited by
he wasnt too happy with me, or her, at first… now they play... he can jump on the bed or couch to get away if he wants time to himself...he wont lay next to her yet shes starting to mimic him.. if hes laying in the sun on the couch, she'll lay on the floor with the sun shining in the window.. :) i think he would like her more if she wasnt into biting everything lol
wrote on 20 Jan 2008, 17:41 last edited by
he wasnt too happy with me, or her, at first… now they play... he can jump on the bed or couch to get away if he wants time to himself...he wont lay next to her yet shes starting to mimic him.. if hes laying in the sun on the couch, she'll lay on the floor with the sun shining in the window.. :) i think he would like her more if she wasnt into biting everything lol
And until she looses those teeth… there will be lots of times he is not happy with her... but the one nice thing about having an adult B in the house is that he will teach her "biting" manners much better then we humans ever can...