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Capt. Jack For Sale

Basenjis For Sale or Wanted
  • Oh Kira ! That is wonderful news!
    I know you were just sick at the thought of giving him up.

    Do share what the tips/methods are that you're using.

  • Great news…can't wait to hear what the behaviorist recommended that is helping things at your house. Fantastic! :D

  • I am so happy to hear that it looks like it will work out okay. I felt so bad for all of you! Keeping fingers crossed!!!


  • I am so so glad to hear this. It really did sound like you and your hubby cared enough about Jack to overcome these trying times. And I know it would be so so difficult for you to give Jack up. I really hope things work out–and it sure sounds like you are doing everything possible to make it work.

  • Please do keep us updated.
    We are all so hoping this all works out for the whole family!

  • I am so glad you are keeping Capt. Jack, I know you both love him. Now he will learn to love Aiden as well. Please keep us posted, I am so happy for you both and the Captain too.

  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:

    :D So we decided we are going to keep Jack we found a behaviorist with some interesting ideas on how we can train Jack. And he is doing GREAT, in fact I had a few friends over yesterday and we were ALL playing with Jack and Aiden and had NO problems!! (Jack got into the bathroom trash but thats normal @@) I'm VERY excited about not having to let Jack go…Im really hoping this works because so far (knock on wood) thing are going GREAT! I wanted to thank you all for the support and I promise to let you ALL know whats going on and how things are progressing!! IM EXCITED!!!!:D

    Wow.. that is sure super news…. ....

  • Excellent! I hope the training does the trick, but you may have a few "2 steps forward and 1 step backward" times, just keep up the work and be patient. New babies are one of the many reasons basenjis get placed in rescue, it is just overwhelming to have the new baby, no sleep, and a dog whose world has changed and may not react well to the changes. Sounds like you have found a good person to work with, and Jack will stay your boy after all!

    Good Luck,
    Anne in Tampa

  • I have been away from the forum for a bit of time due to work and well since we have our 2nd B, my hands are really full at home but I decided to come in and check on my old basenji friends. I remember when you frst announced ur pregnancy and have followed you through the whole thing and reading up on Jacks attachment and behavior with you. I came on and was sad to read that you had decided to give him up, though I do agree at that time, it was best and now I'm so happy to read things are working out. I wish you the best and look forward to reading more updates. Best wishes!

  • question:just got home from a 4 day trip with Aiden and Jack wont stop trying to hump me since ive been home (an hour) never happened b4 when ive been gone (ive been just ignoring that action and been distracting himwith playing rope)just wondering why tho…lol, its weird, he nw=ever does that ever...

    sry if itys tmi

  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:

    question:just got home from a 4 day trip with Aiden and Jack wont stop trying to hump me since ive been home (an hour) never happened b4 when ive been gone (ive been just ignoring that action and been distracting himwith playing rope)just wondering why tho…lol, its weird, he nw=ever does that ever...

    sry if itys tmi

    ew. :p

    Maybe it's a re-establishing of his "ownership" of you, since you went away with "the new guy"?

    Just a guess…....

  • Just curious, what does Jack do if you put him in a large wire crate?

  • Mounting is usually a sign of domination. He could be seeing himself as the alpha, trying to re-establish the pack order ?

  • he quit after about and hour. Thank goodness, he is SO random and weird somtimes…If i put him in a crate, he paws and bited the wires until he gets out or makes himself bleed....and he SCREAMS the whole time....

  • @Barklessdog:

    Mounting is usually a sign of domination. He could be seeing himself as the alpha, trying to re-establish the pack order ?

    Actually, many people in research no longer feel that mounting is usually a sign of domination. Though it can be a sign of domination it seems to be used in many other situations including as a stress reliever.

  • hahahah..I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing with you, Sally does that same thing to my son. Yes she is a girl, and extremely shy, but when my DS comes home from school she sometimes does that. We just laugh and she stops. We haven't tried to fix it, because she does stop once we start laughing at her. Poor thing she just loves her brother's. Strange still the same!

  • Sorry you have to give away Jack. I hope you are able to find him a great home.

  • A lot of times dogs also mount as a way to initiate play. Most B's hate water and you can use a squirt bottle to get their attention, and possibly stop their mounting. One of my alpha females (until she was recently spayed) used to run around and mount all of my male dogs, she would even follow my service dog around and attempt to mount him when she was in season. Now that was a site! A Basenji trying to mount the head of a Thai Ridgeback. Bruiser would just look at me w/his pleading eyes saying "please help me MOM!" as soon as she was spayed (or came out of season) she would quit. I think she just wanted them to know she was (and still is) boss.

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