We have had her with us since Wed.
I dont know where to start, but will try.
At first, all she wanted to do was play with Cairo and Caesar. She didnt acknowledge people and initiated play with the boys.
Her skin was pastey and tight. She had large leg muscles but appeared to be in bad shape. She has eaten about a can of food 4x a day and is beginning to fill back in. I still see her ribs, but her poop shoot isnt hanging out as it was before.
I bathed the 3 basenjis. She did great! I scrubbed her pasty skin with a brush to pull up all of the dander before her bath. It appears that she was severely dehydrated because now her skin is loose and healthy. After the bath I sprayed her with a special emolient from the vet to help her bald ears and nose. I sprayed it all over her body to help her heal. She had little dry spots all over. Her ears were so bad it felt like I could rip them off as if they were a sheet of paper.
The spray medicine must be working well because she will now let me touch her ears. I have been massaging them as well as her feet and gums to get her acclimated to family living and to increase her circulation.
She now will cuddle with me and the boy basenjis. She will kiss your face and has licked a little baby as well.
I have had about 10 people over this weekend for a BBQ and 3 houseguests and she is doing great with them and is very social.
She loves the boys and recognizes me as mom.
She has more energy than my 7 month old puppy and is extremely happy.
She is kennel trained and will wimper when she needs to go in the morning.
Beano has decided that her schedule will not permit her to adopt Sahara.
Sahara will be fine with kennel time in the work day and at night no problem. She will require a 30 minute walk after work each day, 30 minutes of indoor play or reviewing of training and a day at the dog park on the weekends (2hrs at least) at a minimum.
I am looking for someone to adopt her and have several opportunities her in the Tampa area. I would love to place her with another basenji if anyone is interested in adding a girl to their boy. She would be a fantastic addition.
This week I will begin training her and Cairo together on basic commands and she will be on a set routine and healthy, oh and spayed, before she is placed with anyone.