Corky's Belly on YouTube
wrote on 7 May 2007, 21:24 last edited by
Here is my good boy showing Mommy his belly. :D
wrote on 7 May 2007, 21:38 last edited by
OMG!! He is so cute! I love the way his tail wagged at the end! That was adorable!
wrote on 7 May 2007, 23:13 last edited by
Thanks nala! That's my favorite part too. :)
I'm feeling a little stupid. I believe I put this thread in the wrong topic. My apologies.
wrote on 8 May 2007, 12:25 last edited by
LOL! I wish I could get my guys to do stuff like that without treats, very cute!
wrote on 8 May 2007, 15:16 last edited by
That was great!!! How cute he is…you must be a proud mom...I wish my Jojo would do that...thanks for sharing...
wrote on 9 May 2007, 16:09 last edited by
Thats adorable. And I am amazed he did what you asked him to do. Dash would have looked at me like " why?"
wrote on 9 May 2007, 16:24 last edited by
Thanks Everyone!!!
It took me about a month to teach him that (he was about a year and a half old). I started off by sititng on the floor with him, rolling him over gently, rubbing his belly and softly saying "Show me your belly". Then I would roll him over, say it then rub. Little by littly he started to get it. Believe me though, he is still a basenji and does not do it every time. :D I would say he does is once out of maybe 3 times.