It brings me to tears to think of my baby not being here with me, my hubby and I both love our Sahara so much. This is our first Basenji, and we are so glad I saw this baby in a pet shop. I know that most of you don't like pet shops, but the fact remains that if I had not wondered in this one I would not have Sahara. We have only the 2 Basenji in our small town, so the chances of me knowing about this breed otherwise were miminal. It took my son who was with me hours to convince me I needed this baby, (she was quite expensive)but in the end I came home with her that same night. We love this breed now, and may end up with another one in the future, but not from a petshop, next time from a breeder. I hope and pray Sahara lives as long as she can be healthy, to the max of her expected lifespan. There will never be another Sahara, she is quite special, and soooooooo affectionate.